Hi there, there are a lot of topics regarding blocking connection by MAC, however I couldn't find how to perform easy clearance by mac.
We are using internet connection for our Lab and the school blocked our internet. They demand that connection must be allowed by MAC! I don't much have a choice.
So far, I'm using /etc/config/wireless to perform that:
list maclist '60:03:08:9E:60:AA'
However, it doesn't block ethernet and VPN. I think the correct way is to use firewall rules. I'm terrible with that.
We have, around 50 devices. Would be easy just to fill a list with MAC. Any help is really welcome.
If you connect to the network by ethernet you would MAC clone your WAN interfaces to an allowed address.
LuCI-->Network-->Interfaces-->WAN/WAN6-->Override MAC address
If you connect by WiFi you would accomplish the same thing by connecting via WiFi as a client (AP-STA) with a cloned MAC address of an allowed device by adding this line...
Thanks @16F84, however I did not make myself clear. They will only allow our router to access the school network if I filter all connection to the router.
The school will not see those MACs since they are all behind the NAT, however I need to present to them that I'm doing that.
The solution you proposed regards the WAN interface, which is not the problem. I must filter (allow) LAN and radio0 connection by MAC. In other words, If an unauthorized person plugs his notebook with ethernet cable, but his MAC is not in the whitelist, he will not be able to connect.
LuCI-->Network-->Wireless-->edit SSID-->MAC-Filter-->Allow listed only
...and then further to that you may want to disable masquerading on your WAN firewall to show the net admin what clients are connected - that I am not to sure about as you are disabling major security features etc. - you may want to confirm that with them / get a second opinion.
The LAN zone is typically used when you run a VPN server on your router.
If you run a VPN client with a commercial VPN provider, then use the WAN zone.
Sorry, I didn't explain correctly. I have a VPN server running inside Openwrt. When I connect (externally) to the Openwrt, I can access LAN but my internet connection is not redirected. My internet connection is blocked.