Fenvi ax3000 (wr3000k)

The previous topic was auto-closed so I am starting new one.
I got myself a ch340g usb serial and I have the following problem. I have all the outputs in the console and also can interact with it when prompted for login creds. But there is no way i can stop the autoboot

*** U-Boot Boot Menu ***

 1. Factory mode
 2. Startup system (Default)
 3. Upgrade firmware
 4. Upgrade ATF BL2
 5. Upgrade ATF FIP
 6. Upgrade single image
 7. Load image
 0. U-Boot console

Hit any key to stop autoboot: 1
Press UP/DOWN to move, ENTER to select, ESC/CTRL+C to quit

I get this prompt for a second, but any keypress just forces it to keep booting.
Anything I miss?

Press [space] 0 [ENTER] as quickly as you can?

I think I tried almost every button.The weird thing that if i dont press any button it stays like for 1+ second and goes on, but if any pressed it passes more quickly

Would be glad to see any suggestions

console input could be intentionally disabled, on PCB, in boot loader, or both.

It is not completely disabled because as I mentioned - any input during the boot makes it skip the u-boot menu faster. Also I am able to interact with the router. When it boots to the system, I can interact with login/pass prompt, which are unknown either :frowning:

U-Boot and Linux (Openwrt) are two separate things though.

ok. so "/" key stops autoboot. I've successfully flashed snapshot for tenbay wr3000k.

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Hey I was able to flash this!
Use USB Uart and connec TX-RX, RX-TX, and G-G. no VCC.

power the router and keep pressing "/" to interrupt the autoboot
then select "3" for upgrade firmware

now use tftp method to upload and instal the sysupgrade file from https://firmware-selector.openwrt.org/?version=SNAPSHOT&target=mediatek%2Ffilogic&id=tenbay_wr3000k

after router reboots ssh into it using root as a useername and install luci
note: you will need to use apk add luci and not the usual opkg

all done!

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