Failsafe with lede/openwrt

There is a setting in the top menu:global build settings for IPv6 support. Turning that off will remove IPv6 related stuff.

Jeff's hint about using / to search is important. With that you can find where to set PREINIT_DISABLE_FAILSAFE .

(Image Configuration -> Preinit Options -> Disable failsafe)

While you are testing builds you may want to leave failsafe on.


AFTER make menunconfig its easier to edit ....the config...but where to look to i just esc the save ,,,but theres no save ifile after menuconfig

how do this code works

Disable failsafe through menuconfig. Do not edit config files directly.

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hello everybody! this is my first post on openwrt forum.

I need a build of lede 18.06 with the failsafe disabled,
because our application is to reach machine all around the world,
and we are facing issue that sometimes the router "lost the configuration",
but actually failsafe put back the original firmware.

we use Linksys WRT1200AC V2.0 with lede 17.01.04

there is somewhere the lede build already made?
I try to do by myself, but is not so easy.

thank you

Including your config in the ROM is a better choice in many situations. This way, if reset to default, it returns to your “custom” settings. You still have failsafe to recover from misconfiguration.

No such images are available from OpenWrt. In either case, you will need to build yourself.

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thank you for your answer.

I am searching for somebody (that I will pay) to build the firmware as follow:

  • filesafe mode disable
  • default ip address (

anybody interested? can somebody address me to the properly personnel?

I understand that "failsafe mode" can help to restore, but actually in our application is better just "reboot" the router in case of error (that usually solve the issue) instead start again all the firmware upgrade procedure,
this because we use the router to reach our machine all around the world,
but if it loose the configuration .. we need to travel from italy to China, Usa, Russia, etc etc...
and this is not acceptable.

You can do this with the Image Builder. Configure a router of the same model how you want it then save the settings and export them as a file. This is a tar file which you can extract into the files/ directory of the Image Builder tree. The config files will be built into the image and become the default settings.

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thank you Mk24,
actually I am no so good with the image builder, I don't know how to disable the failsafe mode in the first place.

I really interrested to pay someone to do the job, I just wonder if 100€/100$ is enough.

Are you available? (I can pay through paypal)

thank you very much

I think that entering failsafe by pressing the reset button could be disabled by modifying or removing the script in /etc/rc.button. Have not actually tried it though.

If you're deploying large numbers of routers worldwide either you or someone on your immediate staff should learn and know how to do this.

ok Mk24,
actually the failsafe mode is "enabling by itself" without pressing reset button,
I am sure about this because we install the router inside an electric cabinet.

I'd like to disable the failsafe one time for all, if a problem appears that does't allows the router startup,
then the solution will be to switching off the main power and restart again.

(instead reloading the original rom)

can you help me to build the firmware ???

feel free to accept the job :smiley: wrote me in PM

Are you sure that you have the same understanding of failsafe as the rest of the forum users?

Your "failsafe" which happens without pressing a button and which puts back the original firmware sounds more like the usual dual boot device behaviour.

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Following up on tmomas' comment, you'll need to flash both firmware versions to get the kind of robust-reset behavior it sounds like you're looking for.


@tmomas and @jeff point out that the dual boot models will boot the other partition if a problem occurs such as repeated power cuts during boot-up. So yes you need to make sure the same firmware and configuration is in both partitions. This should be possible by doing a sysupgrade with save settings, then upon reboot the other copy will be running. You would then need to install any extra packages, after that the two partitions will be identical.

Let's try to make it easier:
I don't want the dual boot because even if I load the same firmware with the same configuration,
it can happen that some settings changes (like the wifi network where the linksys is connected as client) in the years, so this new settings will affect only one of the partition.
is there possible to remove the dual boot funcion and also disable the failsafe mode?

My target, that actually is a job that I'd like to pay, is to define how to avoid the above,
maybe by build our own firmware. Can somebody help? thank you in advance
(if you suggest that is better, I can open a new thread to address the request)

just for reference:
sometime the electricians forget to install the second antenna and just install one on the top of the
electrical cabinet.
We noted that in this case is more common the "restore of original firmware". (I image: more error => more frequency on restore the original firmware (due failsafe I suppose)

Closing this topic now since the discussion continues in Lede WRT1200AC without dualboot functionallity

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