Eye friendly ip monitor with dns lookup?

  • Fix WAN DNS resolution
  • I surmise this issue is related to your thread about setting up WARP and DNS resolution thru the tunnel and my warning :wink:

You must recall that you setup your device to use Cloudflare - additionally not to use DNS to lookup the endpoint name; but rather use its IP - so that it can connect without DNS resolution. :wink:

Now you want DNS resolution on WAN - so you'll need to fix this:

option peerdns '1' should work without need to add custom ones. Then reload network. Any DNS settings on WAN should work and route thru WAN - because you only setup LAN clients as SRC to use WG with IP routes/rules (i.e. your routing policy). Additionally, you setup LAN clients to use (i.e. Cloudflare) as DNS instead of the OpenWrt via DHCP Option No. 6. The OpenWrt should use the ISP/WAN IP address as SRC for lookups - and hence use WAN for DNS resolution - which should fix your issue with DNS resolution on the Connections page. :partying_face:

(If you don't know the consequences of your configs, you may want to re-think setting up your device in that manner - or ask.)

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