Expand root fs, stuck at booting

Continuing the discussion from Expand filesystem or create partition without restarting openwrt:

Continuing the discussion from Expand filesystem or create partition without restarting openwrt:

I am attempting this on raspberry pi 5 with latest 24.10.0 stable release.

Flashed openwrt-24.10.0-bcm27xx-bcm2712-rpi-5-ext4-factory.img.gz to 32GB SDCARD and booted to openwrt first time and then changed network settings to join the device to an existing network.

opkg update
opkg install parted losetup resize2fs
wget -U "" -O expand-root.sh "https://openwrt.org/_export/code/docs/guide-user/advanced/expand_root?codeblock=0"
. ./expand-root.sh
sh /etc/uci-defaults/70-rootpt-resize

last command rebooted the device, But its not coming back to network. I have a display connected. So when I check the console its stuck at below screen and keyboard not responding.

Any thoughts?

I've had this happen too. Check your cmdline.txt in the boot partition of the memory card. The uuid of the root partition has changed. You'll need to update it.

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I am trying again with fresh install.
Before doing https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/advanced/expand_root

root@OpenWrt:/boot# cat cmdline.txt
console=tty1 console=serial0,115200 root=PARTUUID=661a1cf7-02 rootfstype=squashfs,ext4 rootwait

Are you suggesting I update any script/command while doing https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/advanced/expand_root or after completing the instructions I update anything in cmdline.txt?

Edit the cmdline.txt to say root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 instead of root=PARTUUID=661a1cf7-02. The resize script should work fine afterwards.


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