I can't seem to enable generic-segmentation-offload on my pppoe interface in order to enable quic_gso on my nginx config for faster quic performance...
I tried to enable it through ethtool using the following command, but the status remains off
$ ethtool -K pppoe-wan gso on
Actual changes:
tx-generic-segmentation: off [requested on]
Could not change any device features
Without gso on nginx errors out with 2024/06/27 01:24:43 [alert] 7#7: *584 sendmsg() failed (5: I/O error) while sending frames, client: x.x.x.x, server: based on searching online I/O error 5 indicates GSO is not supported on the interface https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/21200
When nginx listens to a physical ethernet port with GSO on, i'm not encountering any errors and GSO is successfully turned on as checking with ethtool, any kernel patches i can apply with this?
Envoy proxy GSO also errors out (due to interface refuses to turn GSO on) even if HTTP/3 is no longer experimental on their end, like this error reported here
The only thing you can do - blindly cram all changeable options "on" until desired option changes to on from requested. if fixed options need to be changed they cannot.
altough ethool gso flag still shows off, it's no longer throwing an EIO error when nginx tries to send quic/http3 packets quic_gso flag in nginx.conf switched to on
but the performance is very bad though when turning it on, as noted in the patch as system tries to calculate for the checksum through software...