EDUP RT2980 OPENWRT version

Hi There,

Waiting of delivery of my 3 EDUP RT2980 wifi routers I bought on Aliexpress for 35 euro's a piece. Now is 1 of the 3 routers a openWRT version and 2 of them have "Custom" firmware. Probably a difference is the skin compared to the openWRT version.

But this device is not mentioned in the the "Table of Hardware" on the openWRT site and the hardware seems to be a generic "MT7981BA+MT7976CN+MT7531AE" solution. But i really want to remove the firmware of the routers and extract the config of the openWRT version to make a more official version of openWRT. Also make pictures and log files for the openWRT database.

Can somebody point me best way to extract and reflash the firmware safely on "MT7981BA+MT7976CN+MT7531AE" devices so i can tinker with these units without being afraid to 100% brick them?

openWRT version:
"Original" version:

If you flash them with an image from a different device, yet using the same hw, you will most certainly soft brick them, at best.

This device is not supported by the official OpenWrt project.

Assuming you are correct about this, it would suggest that the device is possible to support. But as @frollic was saying, if flash firmware for another device onto your RT2980, there is a very high probability that it will brick the unit. Each model has a bespoke firmware image to account for hardware design differences (down to the pin out of each chip).

You can start the process of adding support for your device by following the guide here:


hello i bought the custom one too i thought i bought the openwrt version but i was mistaken i asked the seller for the openwrt firmware but he refused i hope you share with us what you could do

Read the rest of the thread, to start with ?

There's NO "OpenWRT version" of this device, only device shipping with vanilla OpenWRT is the OpenWRT One.

Currently there are zero (that's a 0 followed by lots of additional 0's) EDUP devices supported by OpenWRT, except for one device sold by multiple vendors.

bro see the links the OP put you can see that there is a version of the router that has a custom open wrt software i am not talking about an official openwrt support and so i just want that custom rom or any other one i just don't wanna the linux it comes with as it's very basic

Then you're posting at the wrong forum, we have nothing to do with the "custom open wrt software".

i didn't mean that i would be more than happy to see an official openwrt support i just wanted to see the follow up from the OP

can you crack open the housing and identify the chips please.

the openwrt version is 21.02 and while it identifies as a mt7981 in software, I'd like hardware verification please:

Well, I theory @emesix could boot an initramfs and dump the flash content to file, then write it to their two non-openwrt units, plus send you a copy.

Assuming U-Boot is usable through serial.


it uses esmt f50l1g41lb nand and ram is zentel A3T2GF40CBF + MT7981BA+MT7976CN+MT7531AE

seems to be a git01 mediatek 21.02 r0 version according to the video I've found, not official openwrt.
There's a couple of devices similar but we need @feroui to open the casing.

Serial's between the ports and the capacitor.


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I Also found that it's the same as this Chinese router other than dram everything seem identical the official linux they are using is the same as this one which is very basic for a router with a filogic cpu

Yes the dram is the only thing I cannot find anything else with, I've checked Qihoo 360t7, Xiaomi AX3000, Routerich etc all use the same nand flash, it's just the dram I'm having issues with finding.

i am not so familiar with openwrt yet is it needed that the dram be supported already

I need you to connect serial up and get a bootlog please.

i don't have at the moment the necessary equipment forgive my ignorance but can you show me what i need to get and then do to get the bootlog

Check if the boot log can be displayed in the stock webui.

As for serial, google USB TTL 3.3v.