Dynamic DNS | Dynu 'badauth' in logs

I've installed and configured Dynamic DNS.

I think everything is working correctly on the router, but it is failing to update the DDNS provider (dynu).

My username and password are correct and, as per this post, don't contain any special characters.

 164425  note : PID '5486' terminated by 'SIGTERM' at 2023-03-14 16:44
 164426       : ************ ************** ************** **************
 164426  note : PID '7124' started at 2023-03-14 16:44
 164426       : ddns version  : 2.8.2-12
 164426       : uci configuration:
 164426       : verbose mode  : 0 - run normal, NO console output
 164426       : check interval: 600 seconds
 164426       : force interval: 4320 seconds
 164426       : retry interval: 60 seconds
 164426       : retry counter : 0 times
 164426       : No old process
 164426       : last update: 2023-03-14 16:43
 164426       : Detect registered/public IP
 164426       : #> /usr/bin/host -t A anyname.anything.com  >/var/run/ddns/anyname.dat 2>/var/run/ddns/anyname.err
 164427       : Registered IP 'x.x.x.75' detected
 164427  info : Starting main loop at 2023-03-14 16:44
 164427       : Detect local IP on 'network'
 164427       : Local IP 'x.x.x.192' detected on network 'ISP_WAN'
 164427       : Update needed - L: 'x.x.x.192' <> R: 'x.x.x.75'
 164427       : Force communication via IP 'x.x.x.192'
 164427       : #> /usr/bin/wget --hsts-file=/tmp/.wget-hsts -nv -t 1 -O /var/run/ddns/anyname.dat -o /var/run/ddns/anyname.err --bind-addr
 164430       : DDNS Provider answered:
 164430  info : Update successful - IP 'x.x.x.192' send
 164431  info : Forced update successful - IP: 'x.x.x.192' send
 164431       : Waiting 600 seconds (Check Interval)

Is there a way to check this via the CLI or see more detailed logs?

I've tested my credentials using these URLs and the IP address was correctly updated.



The log you posted suggests that the update was performed correctly. What exactly is your problem or doesn't work?

Put your token into the password field and clear the username field.
Put the complete name (FQDN) into Domain field, the same that you put into Lookup Hostname.
Restart the client and re-check the log.

token is an MD5/SHA256 hash of your "IP Update Password"
Consider using a secure connection.

What exactly is your problem or doesn't work?

It doesn't update the address held by dynu.

How did you check that?

How did you check that?

I logged into my online dynu account and checked the IP address and when it was last updated. Dynamic DNS continues to show the old WAN address instead of the new one.

Consider using a secure connection.

I thought I'd keep the troubleshooting simple by using http to get it working and then switch to https with a new username and password.

If you have a single host to update - you don't need to use Domain at all.

Domain is a required field.


But that does appear to have been the problem. I entered the FQDN and immediately received a 'good' response from the provider.

DDNS Provider answered:

I rebooted my router, but the ISP didn't issue a new IP address. The logs now show this response from dynu.

DDNS Provider answered:

I've switched to https and things are still working.

I also changed both my username and password.

Thanks for your help.

Sorry for confusion - I wrote this keeping in mind that this option is optional for the provider, without checking the OpenWrt side.
I have corrected my answer.

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