Duid got changed due to os reinstall, even after updating dhcp config file pi not getting hostid I set


I have below in /etc/config/dhcp and I was getting correct IPv6 address (ending with 95) before client OS crash.

config host
        option dns '1'
        option name 'pinas'
        option mac 'D8:3A:DD:28:07:10'
        option ip ''
        option leasetime '6h'
        option duid '00047eb6dfb92da165e3fc32139edb310989'
        option hostid '95'

The client's OS crashed today and had to reinstall and I noticed duid got changed. So I updated the new duid in /etc/config/dhcp and did /etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload and restarted the client.
But its still not getting IPv6 address ending 95.

Any thoughts?

Check that DUID and MAC address are correct.

restart DNS:

service dnsmasq stop
service dnsmasq start

Reboot the client

Tried that too.

Screenshot from status page,

Screenshot from Static Leases

I verified that MAC address and DUID is correct.

Should I try remove the current Static Lease and click Set Static button on static page?
And then edit the static lease and change hostid from 862 to 95 ?

I tried clicking Set Static from status page, It just stuck on spinning.

Then I tried doing same for some other, and they get added fine.
Something off with this entry alone.

Finally worked.

I powered off the client
deleted the current static lease.
restarted the router.
Added the static lease again to /etc/config/dhcp
restarted router
powered on client and it got the correct IPv6 address.

I don't know for sure which of above really made it work

I would say lines
In that order fixed the problem.

Your first try you restarted them individually but you never killed the whole network at the same time to force everything to start from scratch.

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