I have a cable connection with native IPv4 and IPv6 which am I am using over a cable modem and an openWRT box (Xiaomi 3g).
I am unfortunately unable to set it up in a way that wan6 gets an IPv6 address I only get a IPv4.
Is there anything special that needs to be activated to use both protocols?
Also make sure that you have enabled the default openwrt ipv6 icmp input rules.
Dhcpv6 doesn't give out a default gateway to the clients. Instead NDP is used for what.
I was experimenting with this yesterday (what a coincidence again...)
Because i wanted to completely get rid of icmp for ipv6.
The plan was to use a mtu of 1280 (should always be routeable and no icmp for pmtud is needed).
Then disable all icmpv6 allow rules.
But then odhcp6c failed because it was not able to send a router solicitation.(i have output set to deny and also use icmpv6 output rules)
So make sure NDP is allowed. (default config should cover this)
And for dhcpv6 itself
I only have this rule:
config rule
option name 'WAN6-INPUT-Accept-DHCPv6'
option src 'wan'
option proto 'udp'
option src_ip 'fc00::/6'
option dest_ip 'fc00::/6'
option dest_port '546'
option family 'ipv6'
option target 'ACCEPT'
Which is also default and works fine.
Default icmpv6 rule:
# Allow essential incoming IPv6 ICMP traffic
config rule
option name Allow-ICMPv6-Input
option src wan
option proto icmp
list icmp_type echo-request
list icmp_type echo-reply
list icmp_type destination-unreachable
list icmp_type packet-too-big
list icmp_type time-exceeded
list icmp_type bad-header
list icmp_type unknown-header-type
list icmp_type router-solicitation
list icmp_type neighbour-solicitation
list icmp_type router-advertisement
list icmp_type neighbour-advertisement
option limit 1000/sec
option family ipv6
option target ACCEPT
Maybe you want to remove echo-request icmp type and adjust the limit a bit...
i use
option limit '1/sec'
option limit_burst '10'
for a small network.
Or even switch to the hashlimit module to have a per host limit rather then a global limit.
Interesting...I didn't know IPv6 worked "out-of-the-box" in DD-WRT without a config (their WIki describes using the command line).
Since you don't know about your IPv6 service (and it doesn't appear to be DHCPv6-based), that's difficult. Since you stated that it worked in DD-WRT, perhaps you can take a screenshot there.
one thing that might be wrong is that the DHCP-PD might be tied to the DUID or MAC or whatever of the DD-WRT router and so when requesting a PD the OpenWrt router doesn't get a response. Calling the ISP and requesting to reset the ipv6 setttings could be in order.
will try that, but I doubt they are willing to do, probably they will tell me to use the original box that was shipped when the contract started.
I've never heard of that behavior. What would you do if that box was say burned out by a power surge? If it's pinned to a particular device, there will be a method to unpin it.
I've heard if it...but if you're in the US (and also Germany I believe), they cannot require you to use a particular device.
Tell them to unpin it.
Also, the WAN doesn't get IPv6 Internet like a PC/laptop client - that sounds like what you're describing with DD-WRT. In that instance, the LAN shouldn't get IPv6. When I used DD-WRT, it wass not as simple as you describe. For the setup you need in OpenWrt, see:
Its true that they cannot require you to use a particular device, but they tell you that everything is working and don't give you any service unless you use their crappy provider box. Unfortunately that's the truth with my cable provider in Germany....
Regarding IPv6 and dd-wrt:
the infos on how to setup IPv6 is quite outdated, at least for my dd-wrt (kongmod) its now just as easy as I described before.
When checking on http://ipv6-test.com I get an IPv6 that is detected as being a native IPv6 coming from my cable service provider and not from a tunnel broker like HE.