Different errors on RPi4

I tried, I changed the router IP (still no password installed or anything) and edit the ssh key to my Mac. but still...

Just hitting enter doesn't work?

So is the pi?

Nope, that doesn't work

Yup, I changed nothing for so far.

how did you change the IP of the Pi?

I went to the network file and changed in the 'lan' interface the "option ipaddr".

My steps were:

  • cd /etc/config
  • vi network
  • and changed the "option ipadrr"

How -- was this with the SD card inserted into your mac?

Nope this was on the Pi

I thought you didn't have a keyboard/display connected to the pi?

This was over the SSH. Everything I do is over SSH. If the software is letting me to it.

ok... so you were able to access the Pi via ssh, but then you changed the IP (in an ssh session) and now you can't access it anymore?

Yeah I changed the IP of the pi, rebooted the Pi, and I am getting an router ip which means it succeeded. But when I want to login over SSH with that IP then I get the result what you see in the screenshot I send earlier.

But the funny thing is if I do everything again and I try to make a connection to that IP over SSH then sometimes it works and sometimes I get that error.

Do you have any other active network connections? I'd recommend disconnecting everything (including wifi) except for the pi via ethernet.

I only succeeded ones for 90 - 95% if you follow the video.

I will try that.

I tried it ones, and it still asks me for a password I don’t have.
And this is what I get when I try to login through the web interface:

what is the URL that produces that index?

Did the image you're using come from the official OpenWrt downloads/firmware-selector/device-info page [EDIT: nvm -- you confirmed this earlier]

Sorry that I didn't responded earlier, but school came between it. But I don't remember the specific URL. When it shows up, I will let you know.

I guess I found the I/O problem. My SD card reader on the pi is a bit loose. Maybe that's why I get I/O problems and the other problems.