DHCP option 6 not working?

I have configured my LAN interface with DHCP option 6. However, when I do ipconfig /all on my Windows PC, I see the DNS server assigned is the LAN IP of my router.
I was expecting the DNS servers advertised by the DHCP option 6 to be the ones showing in the output.
Is this normal behaviour?

Has the machine renewed its lease since you made the change?

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I did the following:

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew

The machine in question has a DHCP IP reservation. Does that cause a problem?
On a positive note, I rebooted the router and now I see the DNS servers reflect as expected.

Show us the Status/Overview- Active DHCPv6 Leases

Redact MAC addresses and anything personal.

I am not sure that will be useful since the leases file doesn't contain the DNS servers details.

Well, you seemed most comfortable in LuCI.

And, you seem to have fixed it.

I could screenshot, but that would be too much work. The leases file is an easy option if I was to provide details. I looked at it and it did not contain anything that would have been useful with this particular issue.

Seemed is not a definitive word.

If you see IPV6 leases where I asked, it is a problem; regardless of the CLI config. If you do not it is a different config issue.

But what do I seem to know?