[DDNS] unable to ping subdomain ip but IP is updated on ddns provider

Since I have unbound installed and using as my tls-to-dns provider I haven't been able to ping my ddns address. Been changing the settings several times to check where's the fault but still can't find the problem.

config unbound
        option dns64 '0'
        option domain 'lan'
        option domain_type 'static'
        option edns_size '1280'
        option extended_stats '0'
        option hide_binddata '1'
        option listen_port '53'
        option localservice '1'
        option manual_conf '0'
        option protocol 'default'
        option rebind_localhost '0'
        option recursion 'default'
        option resource 'default'
        option root_age '9'
        option ttl_min '120'
        option validator '0'
        option verbosity '1'
        option enabled '1'
        option dhcp_link 'odhcpd'
        option dhcp4_slaac6 '1'
        option unbound_control '3'
        option rebind_protection '1'
        option add_extra_dns '0'
        option add_local_fqdn '1'
        option add_wan_fqdn '1'
        list trigger_interface 'lan'
        list trigger_interface 'wan'

   aggressive-nsec: yes
   cache-max-ttl: 14400
   cache-min-ttl: 300
   hide-identity: yes
   hide-version: yes
   minimal-responses: yes
   prefetch: yes
   qname-minimisation: yes
   use-caps-for-id: yes
   verbosity: 1

  name: "."
  forward-tls-upstream: yes

xxxx@OpenWrt~# nslookup dxbhome.ddnsfree.com

*** Can't find dxbhome.ddnsfree.com: No answer
*** Can't find dxhome.ddnsfree.com: No answer
 003451       : Detect local IP on 'web'
 003451       : #> /usr/bin/curl -RsS -o /var/run/ddns/dyn.dat --stderr /var/run/ddns/dyn.err --noproxy '*' 'http://checkip.dyndns.com'
 003452       : Local IP '' detected on web at 'http://checkip.dyndns.com'
 003452       : Update needed - L: '112.205.214.xxx' <> R: ''
 003452       : #> /usr/bin/curl -RsS -o /var/run/ddns/dyn.dat --stderr /var/run/ddns/dyn.err --noproxy '*' 'http://api.dynu.com/nic/update?hostname=dxbhome.ddnsfree.com&myip=112.205.214.xxx&username=xxxx&password=***PW***'
 003453       : DDNS Provider answered:
good 112.205.214.xxx
 003453  info : Update successful - IP '112.205.214.xxx' send
 003453  info : Forced update successful - IP: '112.205.214.xxx' send
 003453       : Waiting 1800 seconds (Check Interval)

Your OpenWrt router's hostname isn't dxbhome[DOT]ddnsfree[DOT]com, by chance?

yes, I can't ping my ddns hostname it says that it could not find host dxbhome.ddnsfree.com. You can try it on your side you will get a reply with the IP address.

Assign a hostname to your router other than that.

(To be clear, I'm not referring to the DDNS service.)

You can change your router back to .LAN

This works. You already described this as working. I'm not talking about that.

I'm talking about htis:

IS THE HOSTNAME DXBHOME...and did you change the DOMAIN from .LAN to DDNSFREE.COM?

If so, change it.


IS THE HOSTNAME DXBHOME...and did you change the DOMAIN from .LAN to [DDNSFREE.COM](http://ddnsfree.com/)?

If so, change it.

I'm not familiar with that which file does need to edit are you referring to /etc/hosts ?

NO, I'm not.

  • :point_right: xxxx@OpenWrt~# :point_left:

What is the hostname?

  • Also, does it work with normal DNS servers?

it's actually root@OpenWRT do I really need to change those? it's just username/hostname which can be edit on /etc/config/system and it's for ash/bash and it really doesn't do affect the DNS resolving dxbhome.ddnsfree (fqdn/hostname) my problem is that I've not able to get the IP from dxbhome which it's was fine when I was using dnsmasq before moving to unbound. I'm right?

I never said to change anything. I was wondering why you obscured the username root.

You are correct.

I'm not sure of the issue.

I never said to change anything. I was wondering why you obscured the username root.
yeah is there anyway to change username aside from using sudo?