i am experiencing issues with dnscrypt v2 in the latest versions. After the upgrade i started your dnscrypt v2 script again and dns resolving works for a few minutes but then th dns resolving seems unreliable. The installation works fine and also the dns resolving on the router seems to be okay (dnscrypt-proxy -resolve google.com). But only every second dns resolving using https://www.dnsleaktest.com shows cloudfare. Most of the time my ISP appears in the list. I tried different devices and the config on the router seems fine.
etc/config/dhcp is configured with:
config dnsmasq
list server ''
Do i need to add the following?
noresolv '1'
"This prevents dnsmasq from using /etc/resolv.conf DNS servers, leaving only our proxy server."
When i restart dnscrypt proxy using /etc/init.d/dnscrypt-proxy stop and /etc/init.d/dnscrypt-proxy start it works fine for about 1 minute. After this my clients start using the ISP's DNS again. And i do not know why!?
In the log files i can only see the following, but i am not sure if this is relevant.
Mon Apr 22 09:37:42 2019 daemon.info dnsmasq[5305]: using nameserver
Mon Apr 22 09:37:42 2019 daemon.info dnsmasq[5305]: using nameserver 80xxx
Mon Apr 22 09:37:42 2019 daemon.info dnsmasq[5305]: using nameserver 81xxx
Mon Apr 22 09:37:42 2019 daemon.info dnsmasq[5305]: using nameserver 2xxx
Mon Apr 22 09:37:42 2019 daemon.info dnsmasq[5305]: using nameserver 2xxx
Mon Apr 22 09:37:42 2019 daemon.info dnsmasq[5305]: using 99585 more local addresses
Can you help me troubleshoot this issue? Beside dnscrypt proxy v2 i am using adblock. That's it!
Thank for your quick response. I've looked this post LXC openWRT but it seems that the kernel must be prepared in a specific way to use containers. Regarding the packages, I see that is possible to install lxc-... packages and lxc-luci-app to download a container template.
@davidc502, do you know whether OpenWRT supports MVR (multicast VLAN registration)? My ISP provides IPTV service on VLAN 85 for unicast and VLAN 51 for multicast. I'm wondering how to configure my wrt1900acv2 so that my TV behind it can work well. Thanks!
Thank you for the answer, @LGA1150. However, it doesn't work because multicast on VLAN 51 means listening on VLAN 51 packets and re-tag them as 85.
Oh, I didn't explain the issue clearly. My TV works on VLAN 85 and joins multicast group on VLAN 51.
This may be possible. The configuration listens to mulitcast from specific IP's.. As for re-taging VLANS, you might have to do that with a Firewall rule using Mangle to change the VLAN if that is what is needed.
Yes as always i am using dnscrypt-proxy version 2, have been since using your firmware as its part of my restore.sh script after each time i flash my router with new firmware.
Are you thinking that this is the cause to the hangs?
as a long time user (but silent reader) first I want to say thank you for your and all the contributers hard work we can profite from!
To come back to your question: No, at the moment I'm not using DNSCrypt at all (just a temporary situation) but nonetheless LuCi hangs from time to time.
This doesn't appear to be happening to other builds (no one is reporting it), so I'm thinking there is something bundled or added that may be causing this issue.
I have IPTV running on my WRT1200ac. My setup uses two vlans, one for multicast and another to unicast, but the STB gets an internal IP from my home network.
I've created an TV "WAN" interface that is an bridge with the two vlans.
I use igmpproxy to do the "magic" to make the tv work inside my network.
Do you know if your ISP use an config similar to it?