Davidc502- wrt1200ac wrt1900acx wrt3200acm wrt32x builds

Dear Eliminater74,
Hello and I hope that you are safe and well. I have a request of you ( or any other community member who is adept at this process ). Regarding your comment " use IMAGEBUILDER to create your own with everything you want already added " - this is where I need a bit of assistance. I have tried ( unsuccessfully ) to use various image builders. Would you be so kind to provide me with the image builder you recommend along with the packages to add. I have wrt1900acs and wrt3200acm. You can PM me or provide it here ( for myself and others ) if that is permitted. I have struggled with IMAGEBUILDER - and this is the only reason that I am asking this courtesy of you. Thanks and once again - stay safe.

Hi, guys! Been using WRT1200AC + newest build (on kernel 5.4) for quite a white and noticed wireless speed degradation after some time, and also reduced coverage. Problems with both on 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz.

All the issues are gone on stock firmware. My previous LEDE build (circa 2018) was quite stable, and I blame the mwlwifi driver on the recent builds.

I would like to know if it is possible to install another mwlwifi, like @eduperez builds on @davidc502 build? (https://github.com/eduperez/mwlwifi_LEDE)


Not really, but I am not sure why you would anticipate different results from the same SW/FW; everyone pulls from the same github repository.

I simply think that newer mwlwifi is not better. I'd like to try different mwlwifi version with hope to fix my problems. Would be great to have installable mwlwifi.

In that case I would suggest your best option would be to use the SDK to build an image with a modified mwlwifi makefile back to the point in the commit history of the mwlwifi git repository where you believe things were better.

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In this thread, I am currently offering different versions of the mwlwifi drivers, that can be installed on top of several stable builds of OpenWrt. If you need a combination not offered there, just ask.


@eduperez Thank for reply, my question here is about cross-kernel compatibilty. Your builds are for 4.x kernels, while @davidc502 builds are kernel 5.x. Are they known to be compatible? I'm afraid to softbrick the device by installing incompatible driver version.

If answer is unknown, I guess, I will take the risk. :slight_smile:

Being short, it's a question of the compilation. You can use older builds (in general, need some patches from time to time) if you compile it for new kernels.

the fact that this is @davidc502's official thread, I dont want to go off topic in it..
So you can PM or message me on telegram under this same Name.. and I could give you step by step instructions, so you can do it again on your own in the future if need be..........
and I have the 3200ACM as well. I do hope you at least read the instructions on how to use imagebuilder and know you need linux 64bit at least.. if I remember right, you can use windows.. but I could be wrong.. and I would only use linux. or at least get a VM if you dont have a linux box.. so please have everything ready before you message me. but I am willing to show you the steps I took to build my image, and it nearlly looks the same as @davidc502's since I did use every package that he uses all the way down to the theme opentomato..(note: I did not use his Repo's only the package names that I know that I had originally installed on my device using that echo command to list all current packages)

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Hi guys,

As there is no new builds, and I have problem of not geeting enough speed on cable (internet) I took decission to perform my own build as long time ago. This is that just wanted to confirm that I need to:

  1. git clone https://git.openwrt.org/openwrt/openwrt.git

  2. use david confid

  3. build

  4. use

Additionally what is porblem wit DSA, as I have no time for softbricking and recovery?



I am getting the following error when accessing System > Software via LuCI.

Text copied from both the highlighted lines:

(function(window, document, L, rpc, request, baseclass) { 'use strict';'require rpc';'require request';'require baseclass';var callFileList,callFileStat,callFileRead,callFileWrite,callFileRemove,callFileExec,callFileMD5;callFileList=rpc.declare({object:'file',method:'list',params:['path']});callFileStat=rpc.declare({object:'file',method:'stat',params:['path']});callFileRead=rpc.declare({object:'file',method:'read',params:['path']});callFileWrite=rpc.declare({object:'file',method:'write',params:['path','data','mode']});callFileRemove=rpc.declare({object:'file',method:'remove',params:['path']});callFileExec=rpc.declare({object:'file',method:'exec',params:['command','params','env']});callFileMD5=rpc.declare({object:'file',method:'md5',params:['path']});var rpcErrors=[null,'InvalidCommandError','InvalidArgumentError','MethodNotFoundError','NotFoundError','NoDataError','PermissionError','TimeoutError','UnsupportedError'];function handleRpcReply(expect,rc){if(typeof(rc)=='number'&&rc!=0){var e=new Error(rpc.getStatusText(rc));e.name=rpcErrors[rc]||'Error';throw e;}
if(expect){var type=Object.prototype.toString;for(var key in expect){if(rc!=null&&key!='')
rc=rc[key];if(rc==null||type.call(rc)!=type.call(expect[key])){var e=new Error(_('Unexpected reply data format'));e.name='TypeError';throw e;}
return rc;}
function handleCgiIoReply(res){if(!res.ok||res.status!=200){var e=new Error(res.statusText);switch(res.status){case 400:e.name='InvalidArgumentError';break;case 403:e.name='PermissionError';break;case 404:e.name='NotFoundError';break;default:e.name='Error';}
throw e;}
switch(this.type){case'blob':return res.blob();case'json':return res.json();default:return res.text();}}
var FileSystem=baseclass.extend({list:function(path){return callFileList(path).then(handleRpcReply.bind(this,{entries:[]}));},stat:function(path){return callFileStat(path).then(handleRpcReply.bind(this,{'':{}}));},read:function(path){return callFileRead(path).then(handleRpcReply.bind(this,{data:''}));},write:function(path,data,mode){data=(data!=null)?String(data):'';mode=(mode!=null)?mode:420;return callFileWrite(path,data,mode).then(handleRpcReply.bind(this,{'':0}));},remove:function(path){return callFileRemove(path).then(handleRpcReply.bind(this,{'':0}));},exec:function(command,params,env){if(!Array.isArray(params))
env=null;return callFileExec(command,params,env).then(handleRpcReply.bind(this,{'':{}}));},trimmed:function(path){return L.resolveDefault(this.read(path),'').then(function(s){return s.trim();});},lines:function(path){return L.resolveDefault(this.read(path),'').then(function(s){var lines=[];s=s.trim();if(s!=''){var l=s.split(/\n/);for(var i=0;i<l.length;i++)
return lines;});},read_direct:function(path,type){var postdata='sessionid=%s&path=%s'.format(encodeURIComponent(L.env.sessionid),encodeURIComponent(path));return request.post(L.env.cgi_base+'/cgi-download',postdata,{headers:{'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},responseType:(type=='blob')?'blob':'text'}).then(handleCgiIoReply.bind({type:type}));},exec_direct:function(command,params,type,latin1){var cmdstr=String(command).replace(/\\/g,'\\\\').replace(/(\s)/g,'\\$1');if(Array.isArray(params))
for(var i=0;i<params.length;i++)
cmdstr+=' '+String(params[i]).replace(/\\/g,'\\\\').replace(/(\s)/g,'\\$1');if(latin1)
cmdstr=encodeURIComponent(cmdstr);var postdata='sessionid=%s&command=%s'.format(encodeURIComponent(L.env.sessionid),cmdstr);return request.post(L.env.cgi_base+'/cgi-exec',postdata,{headers:{'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},responseType:(type=='blob')?'blob':'text'}).then(handleCgiIoReply.bind({type:type}));}});return FileSystem; })
//# sourceURL=

Uncaught (in promise) NotFoundError: Executable not found

I am running the latest version of David's builds - r13342

I have tried re-flashing while keeping my settings to no avail.

Anyone have any suggestions?


What did you flash from? And what did you flash with? .bin or .img?

Hi david,

I've been using your builds for some time now and have had several upgrades to newer builds. I have been using the sysupgrade.bin files to upgrade my router.

PS thats for your work in creating these great builds and supporting these routers :+1:

Wait a moment... What kind of problems with cable do you have?
I use wired network hard as well as wireless, no issues - stable 120 MBps.
What kind of clients do you have?

Filesystem and/or opkg damaged.

I have this kind of effects then upgrade from kernel 4 to 5 keeping configuration (die to different flash mapping settings), or if some installed package mess with access rights.

How did you fix it?

maybe you want to try flashing the router with the .img image instead this time round and see what happens? oh and also to make sure that you don't keep the configuration of the router when upgrading. See if it helps!

The only difference between the.img and the.bin files is the extra headers in the.img file in order to be recognized as a valid firmware. System halt / misbehaving is due to incorrect configuration being ported over when flashing.


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Flash firmware again and don't keep configuration.
Do not restore it from backup either.
You should modify backup tar first (remove some files), see my message above in this thread, or set it up again from scratch.