Custom Install of OpenWrt - OpenVPN

My router is a TP LINK/Archer C60 V3.

There seems to be space issues with this.

Per Specs:
Flash = 8MB
RAM = 64MB

I would like to install the OpenVPN client with the OpenWRT image but the standard way of using the Software selection from the GUI is yielding the following:

How would I go about getting the open VPN client on this thing?

Do I need to build a custom OpenWRT image?

Thank You!

Try online image builder, remove unwanted packages, add openvpn, and keep fingers X:ed.

Only install openvpn-openssl and luci-app-openvpn packages, skip installing easy rsa package and generate key on a linux computer, then upload them to the router. I have Archer C20 with 8MB flash and openvpn + mwan 3 fits into it.

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In addition to what kukulo said about not installing any RSA certificate tools (openssl-util and easyrsa), use openvpn-wolfssl, since the wolfssl library is already present in the default build and won't need to be installed again. Openssl by itself is huge.

I use xca to generate and manage certificates on a PC. It exists for Linux and Windows. If you are only interested in running a VPN client to connect to someone else's service, they will provide you the certificates.

I['m finally getting back to this project...

I can't find an "Online" Image Builder. However, I did manage to following this YouTube video to get local build system up and running:

I've made it to this point:

Now, I'm a little confused on how to isolate what packages I need and those I don't. I couldn't find any explicit guidance on how to determine this. So, I figured I would try to determine what's installed on the default OpenWRT firmware distro for my router, but I can't find any explicit guidance on this either.

So, my question do I ensure I have all the packages I actually need vs. those I don't?

Thank You!

Top three hit on Google, for me...

I found that site during my initial review of info. Maybe I missed something, but the links for custom stuff for general router use (i.e. non-mesh node) seem dead or unsupported.

Did I miss something?

Thank You.