Hi all, some time ago I bought Cudy WR1000, however I am not satisfied with receiving bandwidth on it.
Let's start from beginning, I have 500/50Mbps Internet connectivity from my ISP (pppoe), but I am able to reach ~350/50Mbps using WR3000 (5Ghz radio, 160Mhz, C:36) and AX201 laptop card (connected at 2402/2402Mbps), while it takes 500/50Mbps on LAN ports. As a part of testing I decided to take a look on possible transfers using WLAN interface, therefore used iperf hosted on WR3000 (and AX201 client, 2m away from router), the results are as below:
From what I found in internet, those transfers are a little bit low as more often they are closer to 1Gbps than 500Mbps (as in my case). What is more IMHO the CPU load is quite high during iperf tests because it reaches ~40%, despite changes I set (see below). Above transfers are very similar for stock and openwrt firmware. From things that I've changed on openwrt setup:
Any ideas why WAN speeds are so low, and if this is not somehow connected with iperf results? I am open to share logs, configs if any of them are need.
Yesterday I directed my investigation into differences between mine and others setup, and the difference is ISP of course. Therefore I started thinking in direction of MTU values on interfaces, however it seems that I had the standard setup, so 1492 on pppoe and 1500 on other interfaces So don't see a space to modify them.
i dont know how your wan pieces disappeared, if possible backup config, reset system, enable checkbox, and verify that lists contains more or less all physical interfaces.
Then check speed witout and with mssfix.nft (should not change the list)
Then apply fw4.uc update and check interface list and speed again.
There are two reasons packet fails to offload and consequentially removes "flow" from offload table:
1/ oversize packet due to worng mss
2/ inability to calculate packet's destination due to more than one encapsulation on input or output side
I've checked and there is 160Mhz permited for my region, what is more previously I was using that one without issues.
I also checked real bandwidth between iperf3 hosted on router and WLAN client, and it was ~450Mbps (all on 80Mhz width 5G, on 160 it was something like 600-700Mbps), so it seems that WLAN is capable to transfer on higher speeds, but for some reason not if it goes about data comming from WAN source.