I am not really a developer or wrt wizard yet the task has fallen to me to at my small company to figure out and set up many Beryl AX (GL-MT3000) routers as part of our product solution. These come with a custom fork of OWRT from GL.iNet.
I had initially wanted to simply utilize the custom version of OWRT that GL.iNet provides with the routers, configure the router, make a configuration archive, and restore new routers to that configuration file. However I ran into a bug(?) where entries in my dhcp file were being edited every time I started the router.
The solution seems to be installing the appropriate version of OWRT from the table of hardware and configuring that instead. After some testing I have confirmed the dhcp file issues I was having are resolved/not present in this version.
I would like to be able to simply clone the image from the configured router onto the other 20+ routers I need to set up, rather than having to flash and restore separately.