Creating a guest LAN (not WLAN)

Thank you for your insight! Yes that's indeed more secured, I have modified as your suggestion and it works:

guestzone: input _> reject

traffic rule: allow guestzone input at port 53 67 68

Oh I see. Am I correct to assume that if someone has a sub-router or sub-switch that needs segregation of guest vs non-guest ports: i.e. two sub-switch ports on guest LAN and two sub-switch ports on non-guest LAN, then better go with the VLAN tag method because it allows both guest and non-guest "stream" on the same cable.

Correct. VLANs allow you to carry multiple networks over a single cable to the next device. Then a VLAN aware AP and/or a managed switch enables those networks to be accessed as needed via wifi (usually one SSID per network; possible to make a single SSID with unique passwords to direct to different VLANs) or per-port on an ethernet switch.

I have been following this guide and It works great for me.
But I have this issue...

When I made a forwarding rule from guestzone to lan , I do not get the correct
ip from the PC located on the guestzone but the IP from my router.

Any way to solve this ???

Thanks Michael,

That would happen if you have masquerade enabled on the lan zone. If you are adding a guest network to a basic lan->wan main router, masquerade should not be enabled on any guest or lan zone, only on wan. Then symmetric routing (source IP address preserved) will occur between the LANs.

Thanks It works fine :slight_smile: