CPE510 V1.1 brick

Hello how are you? A few days ago I installed OpenWRT on my CPE510 v1.1, I found the problem that it worked at only 54mbps, so I wanted to go back to stock firmware. At that time the computer was bricked. Connect the serial cable to the CPE and it tells me the following:

TP-LINK SafeLoader (Build time: Jun 12 2015 - 09:49:53)
CPU: 560MHz AHB: 225MHz DDR: 64MB
Performing LED check..  PASS
Press CTRL+B to enter SafeLoader: 1
Flash Manufacturer: Unknown(0xc8)
Flash Device ID: Unknown(0x4017)
Data flash init failed.
open user-config failed.
open user-config failed.

enet0 port4 up

TFTP server address is; our address is
Get filename 'recovery.bin'.
Bytes transferred = 4751525, 3488 Kbytes/sec
Incorrect File.
Writting error.
##Warning: File is unidentiable. Try downloading

TFTP server address is; our address is
Get filename 'vmlinuz'.

TFTP error: Starting again.
##ERROR: Can't download image.
Input Password: open user-config failed.
open user-config failed.
Input Password:

Does anyone know what can I do? Thank you!

Edit: I have another CPE 510 v1.1 with original firmware and working, can I extract any file from it?