I'm a photographer and I use a TP-Link router (TL-WR902AC) with OpenWrt to connect my remote camera with my macbook. Basically, It works fine but in bigger events and stadiums, the connection from my camera behind a goal to my photo position is not always stable. I have the opportunity, to place a strong Access Point between the camera and my computer, but is it possible, to connect the TP-Link OpenWrt router to this Access Point? The TP-Link router should not work as an Access Point, the router should connect to my existing Access Point. Is this even possible? Thank you for your feedbacks…
Thank you for your reply. I've heard the first time about OpenWrt a couple of days ago, so please apologise my missing knowledge about this topic. I tried several things in the OpenWrt dashboard of the TP-Link router, but I had the feeling, that the TP-Link after my changes always worked as an extender of the existing Access Point.
In my scenario, the router with the camera should connect the Access Point placed between my camera and my photo position, to improve the strength of the signal and to allow me to download the pictures during an event from my photo position.
ok, the first think i would try is connect the pc at the main router, put the tplink half way between the main router and the camera. the tplink should be connected to the main router as station 'client', at the same time it should create an ssid where your camera will connect.
note i don't know if the main router will run openwrt, but that is not so 'important'
edit: also is very important to know about the main router. if it will not run openwrt mabie you need relayed on the tplink.
Yes, you're looking for client mode (STA). BTW you should make it clear in your diagrams, that your camera is connected to that TP-Link router over USB, not over wireless link.