Configuration for Utility Warehouse

Hi, I've just tried to set up a newly acquired BT Home Hub 5 running OpenWRT v19.07, connecting to my UK broadband provided Utility Warehouse. I previously got a Billion 8800NL router successfully connected, so it is possible to connect to Utility Warehouse with something other than their provided Technicolor router. The BT Home Hub comes back saying User error, or can't make connection. Here are the details for using your own router from Utility Warehouse:

Ultra Broadband
• Connection Type: PPPoE
• VLAN Tag ID: 101
• DNS Settings: Auto or Primary:

I got all that set up, and DSL has a link, but it doesn't seem to be able to authenticate. I've entered my broadband username and password, but I can't see anywhere to set a VLAN ID. Any ideas anyone?

Thank in advance :slight_smile:

You can either edit the config file directly and change the wan iface option to ethx.101 directly, then restart networking, or do it with Luci, add a new interface and when you select the physical interface from the drop down list go all the way down and type the ethx.101 and press enter.

Review the installation guide for HH5A. Section 9.1 for PPPoE for UK FTTC shows images for using LuCI to add vlan 101 (ie. physical interface 'dsl0.101')

Awesome, thanks all!! All connected and working now :slight_smile:

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