Chromecast Audio Discovery


Just wondered if anyone else has had trouble discovering Chromecast Audio devices whilst using LEDE?

I'm using the latest version (LEDE Reboot 17.01.4 r3560-79f57e422d) on a BT Homehub 5a and my device is cam be seem when I restart my router but then after about 1 hour I can no longer see it.

Any help would be really appreciated.

are you using upnp?

I don't think I am. I've had a look in software and startup but I can't see any mention to it. Am I looking in the right place? Is it something I need to install?

Thanks in advance.

Software > Filter upnp Find Package > Available Packages

Thank you. I've downloaded luci-app-upnp. Do you think this will resolve the issue I'm having?

idk but its worth a try, chromecast uses upnp for most means of discovery

I didn't want speak too soon but I think that has sorted it. Thanks for all your help :grinning:.

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I've been tracking these forum threads on both the lede-project and dd-wrt forum pages. Having tried pretty much all the suggests on both the lede and dd sites (for two respective router builds), I am more and more convinced that something was introduced into the kernel code between Oct20th and Oct 25th, 2017 that has fundamentally broken multicast routing on bridged networks (mixed 2.5G, 5G, and lan). What would be the best way to track the difference in the code submitted between those two times.

I'll be asking this very same question on the DD-wrt site.


Could this problem have to do with Cast-compatible apps basically doing a denial-of-service when your Android device gets out of standby?

It may send out more than 100 000 multicast discovery packets in one go. That would take about a second (54mbit) or up to a minute (1mbit) to be processed at multicast's 802.11 basic rate.

Maybe LEDE or the WiFi firmware automatically puts up some multicast firewall when this happens?

Some vendor firmware (e.g. Archer C1200) even crashes and doesn't recover without a power cycle.

More here:

i think you use something called diff that goes line by line in code that will check for changes. just like if you were cross compiling a kernel