Changing SQM Cake ingress bandwith with Scheduled Tasks


I have a Cable connection(Docsis 3.0) on 100Mbit download and 5Mbit upload bandwidth. Download bandwidth is reduced to 25 Mbit every evening between 19:00 and 00:00 by ISP. Upload bandwidth is remaining the same. I am using SQM-Cake. I want to change ingress bandwidth at 19:00 and 00:00 with Scheduled Tasks in Luci.

tc qdisc change root dev ifb4eth1 cake bandwidth 25000Kbit

After running this comand, sqm bandwidth in luci is not updated.

Which command should I use to update bandwidt in luci?

This should work:

uci set'25000' && uci commit sqm && reload_config
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Here's another option: The CAKE-autorate project is a script that is designed to handle this situation. Instead of your script changing the CAKE parameters on a fixed schedule, cake-autorate constantly measures the latency across your link and automatically adjusts the CAKE settings on the fly.

  • If the latency is getting high, it cuts the CAKE speeds until it's back to baseline;
  • If there's traffic but latency remains low, the script increases the CAKE speeds until it detects latency, then dials it back

Read the Github page to see if it might be suitable for you, or follow the CAKE-autorate topic on the forum

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