Change MAC Address of Router

Hello guys,
I need help. I need to change the MAC address of my Router. I want my Router to work in WISP mode. My Router connects to an existing WiFi of my Hotel. They only allow 2 MAC Address registered. Unfortunately I already registered two devices. So I want to change the existing Mac address of the router to one which is already registered.
I tried changing the Mac address via LuCi and via cli with the command: option macaddr 'mac adress'

I changed all the Mac addresses on Network -> Interfaces
But I can't seem to change the Mac address of Network-> wireless -> Associated Stations
See picture

Any ideas?

@Hyperdomi, welcome to the community!

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I am new to openwrt where do I have to enter this?
Thanks for the fast response.


(That information is contained in the linked thread.)

Ok thanks, sorry I didn't see that. Maybe a stupid question but where can I find out my equivalent to "eth0.2"?

Hold on...are you trying to change the MAC of a WiFi or Ethernet?

I posted for Ethernet. Here's for WiFi using option macaddr 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx' under a config wifi-iface section.

Simple, what MAC are you trying to change?

I am trying to change the MAC of my WiFi from my Router connected to the public WiFi.

OK cool. Once you've created the client config, add an option macaddr section under the appropriate config wifi-iface section.

This confing is located in in /etc/config/wireless

Hope this helps!

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I did what you said, but the MAC address you see in the picture from my first post doesn't change even after a restart. Only the MAC address of the Network -> interfaces change. I don't know which is the right one.

Is it bridged?

If not, changing it in LuCI is OK.

I think it is bridged. My router is connected via WiFi to another router (the public hotel WiFi router). And my pc is connected via lan to my router.