CF-WR650AC - Bricked - can't get into the command line

Will anyone be able to assist, I accidentally bricked this router. im able to login via Serial USB. logs below, and it keeps rebooting.

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▒▒ 0.000000] Li▒ux▒version 4.19.123▒(b▒ilder@buildhost)▒(g▒c version 8.4.0 ▒O p▒nWrt GCC 8.4.0 r▒33▒5-ad84c09502)) #▒ W▒d May 27 23:47:5▒ 2▒20
[ ▒ 0▒000000] bootcons▒le▒[early0] enabled▒
[ 0.00▒00▒] ▒PU0 revision ▒s:▒000 19750 (MIPS 7▒Kc▒
▒ 0.000000] MI▒S:▒machine is Comfa▒t ▒F-WR650AC v1
[ 0.000000] S▒C:▒Qualcomm Atheros▒QC▒9558 ver 1 rev 0▒
[ 0.00▒00▒] Determin ed phy▒ic▒l RAM map:
[ 0.000000] ▒me▒ory: 10000000 @ ▒00▒0000 (usable)
[ 0.000▒00▒ Initrd not foun▒ o▒ empty - disabli▒g ▒nitrd
[ ▒.0▒0000] Primary in▒tr▒ction cache 64kB▒ V▒PT, 4-way, lines▒ze▒32 bytes.
[ 0.000000] P▒im▒ry data cache 32▒B,▒4-way, VIPT, cac▒e ▒liases, linesize▒32▒ bytes
[ ▒ 0▒000000] Zone ran▒es▒
[ ▒.0▒00▒0] Normal ▒[m▒m 0x000000000000▒00▒-0x000000000ffff▒ff▒
[ 0.000000]▒Mo▒able zone start ▒or▒each node
[ ▒.0▒0000] Early memo▒y ▒ode ranges
[ 0.000000] ▒ n▒de 0: [mem 0x0▒00▒00000000000-0x00▒00▒000fffffff]
▒ 0.000000] In▒tm▒m setup node ▒ [▒em▒0x00000000000▒00▒0-0x000000000fff▒ff▒]
[▒ ▒0.000000] random▒ g▒t_random_bytes c▒ll▒d from start_ker▒el▒0x98/0x4b0 with ▒rn▒_init=0
[ ▒.0▒0000] Built 1 zo▒el▒sts, mobility gr▒up▒ng on. Total pa▒es▒ 64960
[ ▒ 0.000000] Kern▒l ▒ommand line: con▒ol▒=ttyS0,115200n8 ▒oo▒fstype=squashfs,▒ ff▒2
[ 0.000000]▒De▒try cache hash t▒bl▒ entries: 32768 ▒or▒er: 5, 131072 by▒es▒
[ ▒ ▒.000000] Inode-c▒ch▒ hash table entr▒es▒ 16384 (order: 4▒ 6▒536 bytes)
[ 0.00▒00▒] Writing ErrCtl▒re▒ister=00000000
▒ ▒ 0.000000] Readb▒ck▒ErrCtl register=▒00▒0000
[ 0.▒00▒00] Memory: 2519▒0K▒262144K availabl▒ (▒568K kernel code▒ 1▒5K rwdata , 1080K▒ro▒ata, 1188K init,▒21▒K bss, 10224K re▒er▒ed, 0K cma-reser▒ed▒
[ 0.000000▒ S▒UB: HWalign=32, ▒rd▒r=0-3, MinObject▒=0▒ CPUs=1, Nodes=1▒
[ 0 ▒[ 0.0000▒0]▒CPU clock: 720.0▒0 ▒Hz
[ 0.000000] c▒oc▒source: MIPS: ma▒k:▒0xffffffff max_c▒cl▒s: 0xffffffff▒ m▒x_▒ dle_ns: 53090▒67▒6 ns
[ ▒ 0▒000007] sched▒cl▒ck▒ 32 bits at 3▒0M▒z, resolution 2n▒, ▒raps every 59652 ▒21▒6ns
▒[ ▒0.▒42886] pid_max: ▒ef▒ult: 32768 minim▒m:▒301M▒PS (lpj=718848)
[ ▒0.▒48022] Mount-cac▒e ▒ash table entrie▒: ▒024 (order: 0, 4▒96▒bytes)
[ 0.▒55▒72] Mountpoin▒-c▒ch▒ hash table e▒tr▒es: 1024 (order:▒0,▒4096 bytes)
[ 0.06671▒] ▒locksource: j▒ff▒es▒ mask: 0xffff▒ff▒ max_cycles: 0xf▒ff▒fff, ma x_idle_ns▒ 7▒45041785100000 n▒
[ 0.▒77▒04] futex hash t▒bl▒ entries: 256 (o▒de▒: -1, 3072 bytes▒
[ ▒.0▒3721] pinctrl co▒e:▒initialized pinc▒rl▒subsystem
▒[ ▒ ▒.124572] clockso▒rc▒: Switched to cl▒ck▒ource MIPS
[ 0.130955▒ N▒T: Registered pr▒to▒ol family 2
[ 0.1364▒4]▒tc▒_listen_porta▒dr▒hash hash table ▒nt▒ies: 512 (order:▒0,▒4096 bytes)
[ 0.144640] T▒P ▒stablished hash ▒ab▒e entries: 2048 ▒or▒er: 1, 8192 b▒te▒)
[ ▒ ▒.152085] TCP bin▒ h▒sh table entries▒ 2▒48 (order: 1, 81▒2 ▒ytes)
[ 0.158881▒ T▒P: Hash tables c▒nf▒gured (establ▒sh▒d 2048 bind 2048▒
[ 0.165759]▒UD▒ hash table e▒tr▒es▒ 256 (order: ▒, ▒096 bytes)
[ 0.▒72▒20] UDP-Lite has▒ t▒ble entries: ▒56▒(o▒der: 0, 4096 ▒yt▒s)
[ 0.178991▒ N▒T: Registered pr▒to▒ol family 1
[ 0.186▒55▒ Crashlog alloca▒ed▒RAM at address 0▒3f▒0000
[▒ ▒0.193647] workin▒se▒: timestamp_bits▒14▒max_order=16 buc▒et▒order=2
[ 0.20▒32▒] squashfs: vers▒on▒4.0 (2009/01/31)▒Ph▒llip Lougher
[ 0.2▒25▒4] jffs2: versio▒ 2▒2 (NAND) (SUMMAR▒) ▒LZMA) (RTIME) (C▒OD▒_PRIORIT ▒[ 0.2346▒6]▒io scheduler noo▒ r▒gistered
[▒ ▒0.238817] io sch▒du▒er deadline regi▒te▒ed (default)
[ 0.24▒05▒] ar7200-usb-phy▒18▒30000.usb-phy0: ▒hy▒reset is missing▒
[ 0.253 ▒78▒ pinctrl-single ▒80▒002c.pinmux: 544▒pi▒s, size 68
[ ▒ 0▒260460] Serial: ▒25▒/16550 driver, 1▒ p▒rts, IRQ sharing▒en▒bled
[ ▒ 0▒269358] console ▒tt▒S0] disabled
[ 0.273227] 1▒02▒000.uart: ttyS0 ▒t ▒MIO 0x18020000 (▒rq▒= 9, base_bau▒ =▒25▒ 0000) is a 16▒50▒
[ 0.282416] console [ttyS0] enabled
[ 0.282416] console [ttyS0] enabled
[ 0.289838] bootconsole [early0] disabled
[ 0.289838] bootconsole [early0] disabled
[ 0.316350] m25p80 spi0.0: w25q128 (16384 Kbytes)
[ 0.321189] 4 fixed-partitions partitions found on MTD device spi0.0
[ 0.327649] Creating 4 MTD partitions on "spi0.0":
[ 0.332526] 0x000000000000-0x000000020000 : "u-boot"
[ 0.338302] 0x000000020000-0x000000030000 : "art"
[ 0.343779] 0x000000030000-0x000000ff0000 : "firmware"
[ 0.351725] 0x000000ff0000-0x000001000000 : "nvram"
[ 0.359057] libphy: Fixed MDIO Bus: probed
[ 0.694369] libphy: ag71xx_mdio: probed
[ 0.699967] switch0: Atheros AR8327 rev. 2 switch registered on mdio.0
[ 1.092571] random: fast init done
[ 1.286612] ag71xx 19000000.eth: connected to PHY at fixed-0:00 [uid=00000000 , driver=Generic PHY]
[ 1.296298] eth0: Atheros AG71xx at 0xb9000000, irq 4, mode: rgmii
[ 1.618281] ag71xx 1a000000.eth: connected to PHY at fixed-0:01 [uid=00000000 , driver=Generic PHY]
[ 1.627967] eth1: Atheros AG71xx at 0xba000000, irq 5, mode: sgmii
[ 1.634586] i2c /dev entries driver
[ 1.638311] ath79-wdt 18060008.wdt: unable to register misc device, err=-16
[ 1.645425] ath79-wdt: probe of 18060008.wdt failed with error -16
[ 1.653643] NET: Registered protocol family 10
[ 1.663156] Segment Routing with IPv6
[ 1.667017] NET: Registered protocol family 17
[ 1.671625] bridge: filtering via arp/ip/ip6tables is no longer available by default. Update your scripts to load br_netfilter if you need this.
[ 1.684788] 8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8
[ 1.689968] PCI host bridge /ahb/pcie-controller@180c0000 ranges:
[ 1.696208] MEM 0x0000000010000000..0x0000000011ffffff
[ 1.701521] IO 0x0000000000000000..0x0000000000000000
[ 1.706978] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00
[ 1.711166] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x10000000-0x11ffffff]
[ 1.718153] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x0000]
[ 1.723826] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x0]
[ 1.730728] pci_bus 0000:00: No busn resource found for root bus, will use [b us 00-ff]
[ 1.740028] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x10000000-0x101fffff 64bi t]
[ 1.747497] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 6: assigned [mem 0x10200000-0x1020ffff pref ]
[ 1.756551] hctosys: unable to open rtc device (rtc0)
[ 1.762622] VFS: Cannot open root device "(null)" or unknown-block(0,0): erro r -6
[ 1.770262] Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the availab le partitions:
[ 1.778754] 1f00 128 mtdblock0
[ 1.778757] (driver?)
[ 1.785409] 1f01 64 mtdblock1
[ 1.785411] (driver?)
[ 1.792050] 1f02 16128 mtdblock2
[ 1.792052] (driver?)
[ 1.798695] 1f03 64 mtdblock3
[ 1.798698] (driver?)
[ 1.805345] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unkno wn-block(0,0)
[ 1.814457] Rebooting in 1 seconds..