Central Controller for OpenWrt like Omada Controller available?

I know there is OpenWISP. However OpenWISP is just for configuring the OpenWRT APs. Omada Controller provides valuable information like what client is associated with which AP, connection time and a lot more.

Is there anything available with a similar use case?

there might be some interesting info in Cloud/remote management possible?

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I am also looking for a central controller for OpenWrt.

I have several routers / APs distributed around the house and would like to manage things like WLAN SSIDs + passwords or create VLANs via a central point.

An overview of connected WLAN devices with IP / MAC and speeds would also be quite good.
Displaying current software versions and pushing new images would also be cool.

I have already looked at OpenWISP, but it is far too complicated for "simple use".
It's a great project, but somehow not for me.

You have the choice between:

  • nothing
  • something complicated (OpenWISP), but existing (albeit barely integrated into OpenWrt)
  • developing something easy yourself


not used it. I think limited to 10 devices free before being a paid for app.

30 devices per controller

Hello everyone,

Just to give info on the current state of RADIUSdesk.

  • It used to have a limit in the past since it was under a commercial license.
  • We moved back to a fully Open Source license a couple of years back.
  • RADIUSdesk is under active development with loads of new features added during the past two plus years.
  • It supports 23.05.x and older versions and we are currently testing the RC's of 24.10.x.
  • Some of the recent features we added:
    • Unbound Private PSK (RADIUS or file based) [Per user passphrase on single SSID]
    • SQM support for bandwidth limiting and fair queuing.
    • Multi-WAN with support for up to 5 LTE modems and also WAN by WiFi
  • We will be adding full Hotspot 2.0 / Interworking (802.11u) integration first quarter 2025.
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