Central configuration of OpenWrt

Between the learning curve for OpenWISP and just using the LuCI Webinteface, there is also SSH. You can configure several devices from a script and SSH "into" each device automatically. Using key-bas´ed-authentication prevents you from interacting during the script to enter your password each time.

Here is an example shell script to set the PSK of ESSID "Gaestenetz" for the devices Device1-3.lan:


DAS_ZUFALLSWORT="$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc "A-Za-z0-9" | head -c8)"

#Update the Password for each DumbAP in our network
for host in "Device1.lan" "Device2.lan" "Device3.lan"; do
	IFACES="$(ssh root@$host 'uci show wireless' | grep \.ssid=\'$DIE_SSID\' | sed -e "s/.*\.\(.*\)\..*/\1/" | xargs)" || continue

	for i in $IFACES; do
		ssh root@$host "uci set wireless.$i.key=\"$DAS_ZUFALLSWORT\" && uci commit wireless && wifi reload" || continue 2

(Full example is at Guest Wifi, changes Password daily, updates dumb APs)

For monitoring consider using RRD and collectd, easiest install is with opkg install luci-app-statistics. Collectd can collect statistics from several devices at a central collectd.