I'm trying to run a development testing web server stack on my Ubuntu server that is on my local network. I'm trying to access it via my DDNS and/or public IP address in a web browser from my LAN but I'm unable to reach it. The port forwarding definitely works as I can reach the server outside of my network.
Using Powershell's Invoke-WebRequest
PS C:\Users\Will> Invoke-WebRequest -Uri
Invoke-WebRequest : Unable to connect to the remote server
At line:1 char:1
+ Invoke-WebRequest -Uri
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-WebRequest], WebExc
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand
The reflection works for traffic from the same zone, not from different. It would be easier to create an internal hostname and use that instead of the ddns or the public IP.
Testing the public IP address and DDNS was more of a way of testing the security measures put in place are working as I could test if directory and file restrictions are working on the outside world.
For some reason in LuCI there isn't a way of selecting any. Not sure if it's a bug but I managed to edit the config directly using an asterisk (wildcard) and it does show as any zone on the list of port forwards.
I've just plugged in my ISP's wireless router, connected my mini server, setup port forwarding to it and visited my public IP address/DDNS and it works from within the LAN.
"NAT loopback" as I've experienced it in OpenWrt - only works on the single IP/net in question.
As other options, you'd have to:
make a firewall redirect rule that covers the zone/interface/subnet; or
DNS entry giving and A Record to the LAN IP
For firewall config, I make a rule that allows the traffic and places the packet in the SRC network . This changes the DST IP from the Public to the LAN, and allows the packet to travel using the zones regular routing rules.
There are many more convenient ways to do that. Use 3G/LTE data or some external service for port forwarding checking/tester while you monitor the hits on the firewall and capturing the packets on the server.
I would go further than @trendy. Given they're 2 separate rules, I'm unsure how that would confirm it works.
You would have to:
test from ["outside of your"] WAN (he covered multiple remote options); or
create another set of IP networks with NATing as a test scenario (but again, that doesn't test your actual rule in question).
(#1 seems so simple, and seems to be the goal of creating the firewall rule )
Well, since it doesn't matter if it's: a network interface, IP or range, defined zone, etc....and I'm, not sure if you're referring to OpenWrt...I guess so.
config redirect
option target 'DNAT'
option src 'wan'
option proto 'tcp'
option src_dport '80'
option dest_port '80'
option src_ip ''
option dest 'lan'
option dest_ip '192.168.xxx.yyy'
option name 'REDIRECT_HTTP_LAN'
Note, the packet is made to DST to the LAN zone where the request started - this takes CPUs and using a local DNS record (option #2) instead would fix that.
This public IP is identical to the one displayed as your WAN interface IP, correct?
Okay interestingly changing the forward destination on the OpenWrt DNAT rule from servers to lan has both allowed the port to work externally (as checked via 4G on my phone) and I'm also able to reach it internally.
That is because the PREROUTING DNAT rule is applied on the source zone taking only the destination address in consideration.
The POSTROUTING SNAT and PREROUTING DNAT rules for reflection are applied on the declared destination zone. This means that it will not work if you try to do the same from servers zone.
I'm just trying to get my head around the IP addresses needed for the these iptable rules to work and see how the packes move from place to another. I'm still learning iptables Would it be worth doing an online CompTIA Network+ course or are there any other courses that you could recommend so I can improve my knowledge in this network area?
My LAN network is
My Servers network is
My server's IP address is
Without the postrouting rules you'll have asymmetric routing. Packets from host A to server will go through OpenWrt, but the response will come back from Server to A directly. If your firewall is kinda loose, it could work. However there are cases where a firewall will drop packets as invalid.