Cant install wpad openssl

I cant install package wpad openssl in terminal command.

root@OpenWrt:~# opkg install wpad-openssl
Unknown package 'wpad-openssl'.
Collected errors:

  • opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package wpad-openssl.

whats wrong with it?
Openwrt 23.05

OP forgot to run opkg update 1st ?

done, but no wpad package installed.....

root@OpenWrt:~# opkg remove wpad-mini
No packages removed.
root@OpenWrt:~# opkg remove wpad-basic
No packages removed.
root@OpenWrt:~# opkg remove wpad-basic-wolfssl
No packages removed.
root@OpenWrt:~# opkg remove wpad-basic-openssl
No packages removed.
root@OpenWrt:~# opkg remove wpad-basic-mbedtls

gotta love your carpet bombing ....

how about you simply list what you've got installed, instead of tring all the packages you don't have installed ?

Collected errors:

no wonder you can't install anything ...

why? Does this depend on the OpenWrt build?

DLing the files doesn't, at least the 1st link worked for me.

check the date on the router, then try doing, post the output afterwards.

cd /tmp
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If that is an access point (and not the main router), a typical error is that router has a fixed Lan IP but you have forgotten to set DNS address and the gateway address. Both should usually be the main router's IP address.

If that scenario sounds like your situation, then

yes this is access point, not main router with static ip. On the main rooter no problem with it.

then you need to add the default GW and an DNS IP manually, unless it's configured as a DHCP client.

you could have mentioned it 1h ago, details matter.