Cannot connect to wireless internet WRT32x

first time install on WRT32X. I set my radio as LAN, set up name and password and saved changes. I can see the wireless network on all my devices, I connect to it but thats as far as it goes. I try accessing websites and does not work. Any help appreciated, trying to get up and running.

And if you connect a device by cable, does it have Internet or not?

If not, does the router itself has Internet?
From here (if that's the IP of the router), try to ping and also ping

It wasn't accepting any connections even via ethernet. When I tried pinging id always get a "invalid" error message.

I figured it out tho, I was playing around with the DNS settings and I set the google public dns ( and to WAN setting first. I noticed that now my WIFI was working on my phone, but I could not navigate hardwired on PC via the LAN. I messed with the LAN DNS also set as the google DNS.

Glad to say everything is now working fine, I ran wired and wireless test and my speeds are great.

In most cases, the default setup should work. You wouldn't normally need to setup DNS; ask what's needed from default config is setting up WAN to match your connection, turning on WFi (and setting its security), and yout should be good to go.

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