Can I remove login from luci?

I set up a client certificate setting for luci on nginx. so login with password after that is redundant. Is there a way to disable login and go straight to main page?
Edit: I wanted to skip login so luci page go straight to config menu, not turn login off to make luci unusable

I wanted to skip login so luci page go straight to config menu, not turn login off to make luci unusable

Maybe this could give you an idea.

Not advised.... but for reference.... to do properly you need restricted rpc/ubus acct+tokens and glue for those + hooks to validate nginx https client auth status.

Maybe friedfunks have something?

#-> 421 after retrieve session sid
#sid, sdat = session_retrieve(sid, allowed_users)

		if not (sid and sdat) then
			local user = "root"
			local pass = "password"

			sid, sdat = session_setup(user, pass, allowed_users)
			http.header("Set-Cookie", 'sysauth=%s; path=%s; HttpOnly%s' %{
				sid, build_url(), http.getenv("HTTPS") == "on" and "; secure" or ""

These lines were recently removed in OpenWRT 23.05.0, are there any workarounds?
Edit: It seems like LuCI was re-written to ucode, when checking /usr/lib/ucode/luci, it only contains a binary file, no longer an editable script, so I have to compile LuCI on my end just to disable login? :confused:

I was able to locate the ucode file in /usr/share/ucode/luci/dispatcher.uc

Edited the following lines:

 911       if (!session && resolved.ctx.auth.login) {
 912         let user = "HARDCODED USERNAME";
 913         let pass = "HARDCODED PASSWORD";
 915         if (user == null && pass == null) {
 916           user = http.formvalue('luci_username');
 917           pass = http.formvalue('luci_password');
 918         }
 920         if (user != null && pass != null)
 921           sessi

then do

rm -rf /tmp/luci*
service rpcd restart

Edit this file /usr/share/ucode/luci/controller/admin/index.uc as well to customize logout page

138   action_logout: function() {
139     const url = dispatcher.build_url();
141     if (ctx.authsession) {
142'session', 'destroy', { ubus_rpc_session: ctx.authsession });
144       if (http.getenv('HTTPS') == 'on')
145         http.header('Set-Cookie', `sysauth_https=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 GMT; path=${url}`);
147       http.header('Set-Cookie', `sysauth_http=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 GMT; path=${url}`);
148     }
150     http.redirect("YOUR LOGOUT URL");
151   },

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