Can I remotely manage my Openwrt Router (Linksys WRT1900ACS) behind CGNAT, and also access devices behind it e.g. IPCamera? I tried to search but I just see OpenVPN but it needs to be paid right to have OpenVPN config file?
I'm trying to follow these links please help me to be directed on the correct path.
Running an OpenVPN server requires taking incoming connections, which means it can't work behind CG-NAT. OpenVPN is free to use but you need to look at the "community" section of their website not the commercial side.
How to do this depends on what the "remote" side of the connection will be. If your remote can take incoming connections you could reverse roles and make it the server and your home the client.
Zerotier works well even with CG-NAT on both ends.
No I mean on what device and what type of Internet connection will you be remotely watching or administering? That end of the link may need to be the VPN "server" since you can't run a true server at home.
Once a VPN tunnel is established it works for data flow in either direction.
Anywhere, e.g. while I'm on my mobile data or at office. Is there a similar or same behavior as team viewer where I just install it on OpenWRT and I can remotely manage the router? and then just access the IPCAM there?