Building a package .ipk issue

Well, I managed to make an edit on a kernel mod and compile as .ipk.
When I check the Makefile it has version,date and PKG_HASH. Which one of these are important
for opkg install ? Because I'm getting that the kmod is already up to date and I cannot install the package that I've patched and build.
I'm using

make package/kernel/mac80211/clean
make package/kernel/mac80211/compile

I changed the Makefile inside for the version, and date but then upon compile command it looks
on an http mirror for the same package somewhere with my defined version/date where obviously isn't available. How do I enforce the compilation as I don't need any mirrors and stuff just have it compiled offline?


Might be enough to bump PKG_RELEASE with maybe FIXUP=1 if there is some change.

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Honestly, I'd just do it handraulically. All ipk's are actually just renamed tarballs with a structure similar to .debs:

mkdir ~/tmp
cd ~/tmp
tar -xvzf ~/your-kmod.ipk
tar -xvzf data.tar.gz
cd /lib/modules/5.x.x
mv kmod.ko kmod.ko.orig
cp -a ~/tmp/lib/modules/5.x.x/kmod.ko .