Build system inline documentation


I'm studying the OpenWRT build system to add a new target. While at it, I could add Doxygen like comments to the makefiles.
If such a contribution is welcome, what should be the preferred documentation syntax?

Maybe something like

# @brief Call function for each group of arguments.
# @param 1: List of lists of arguments. Lists are separated by `|`.
# @param 2: Function to call for list of arguments.
define split_args
$(foreach data, \
	$(subst |,$(space),\
		$(subst $(space),^,$(1))), \
	$(call $(2),$(strip $(subst ^,$(space),$(data)))))

I also think this is a good idea.
It took me a whole week to understand the Makefile for OpenWrt...

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To those of you who understand the build system, could you please write a guide for everyone else interested? Thanks!

Brief comments in code don't paint the big picture.

Brief comments in code don't paint the big picture.

True, but it's better than nothing:)

The testing commit got merged; the Doxygen like syntax from the message above may be used for documentation. If anyone would like to participate in this task, patches are welcome.

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How can I generate documentation from these .mk files using doxygen?