Thanks for your feedback, I'll fix the build
I have a similar problem here. I have a switch connected to the router. When I'm connected to the router itself, I don't see some of the devices connected to the router itself. But I see devices connected to the switch and I have internet. If I connect to the switch I see most of the devices (except one maybe, connected to the router directly). If I connect to the wireless, I see everything. In all cases I have internet and I can manage the router. I tried exchanging ports just in case, but nothing seems to work better, so it's not a port problem
Hey just wanted to add that the DHCP from my PFsense router works when devices are connected via ethernet to the ea9500. So it seems to be a wifi only problem?
Hey guys, thanks for porting openWRT to EA9500. I got a couple questions before go ahead install it on my EA9500.
Does the EA9500 has a US and Non-US difference like the EA8500? I have a non-US EA8500 that does not have a locked firmware and can easily flash openWRT in the stock UI, I am wondering if my non-US EA9500 can do the same so I don't have to open it up(Since I saw the non-US firmware does not have the "gpg" in filename).
Does EA9500 with openWRT can handle gigabit internet well? My EA8500 on openWRT with software offloading on can not hold a stable gigabit connection, transfer speed varies from 6xxMbps to 9xxMbps up and down during a file download from a dedicated speed test server from my ISP(the stock EA8500 firmware can hold a stable 9xxMbps but it took 3s to reach 9xxMbps).
Thank you
I use pfsense as well, but I use factory firmware in switch mode.
If you have non-US version, you could flash the openwrt without opening the unit. However, to directly flash via Linksys webui, you will need a modified version of the openwrt firmware. The modified version will have a 256 byte trailer. This has the hardware version, firmware crc checksum and Linksys signature. Most of the bytes are empty.
Thanks for the reply. I thought your .trx file must be in a different format than the .bin files I downloaded from openWRT site.
I see the openWRT wiki explains the difference between .trx and .bin, which they have different headers. Is that the 256 bye trailer you are talking about? Do you have any info that how I can change the .trx into a .bin that can flash to the EA9500? Thank you.
Try this and let me know
Thank you, I'll give it a try tonight
The "openwrt-20190618-Non-US.img" installed with no errors through the router stock UI and the OpenWrt is running fine after reboot. Lucky for non-US users.
But I am having the same issue like on EA8500 that the WAN speed is capped at 50mb/s. When on EA8500 I can boost it up to 60~90mb/s by tick the "Software flow offloading" under Network -> Firewall. But on EA9500 I ticked "Software flow offloading" together with or without "Hardware flow offloading", the WAN speed is always capped at 50mb/s. Is there any other settings I need to tick or untick to reach the full gigabit internet(No settings were changed after the flash except WAN is set to PPPoE)? Thank you.
Emm.... I am having trouble to boot back to the stock rom. I turned off the router 3 times while booting(10s after power) and I think it should auto boot back to the stock rom right? I tried few times but it always boot into openwrt, weird...
googled and try to use fw_printenv see which partition I was on but seems there is no such command... And I found npcomplete is using nvram in the first post so I used it to change partition and successful back to stock rom. I am not sure if 10s is too short or too long to trigger a partial boot?
You could ssh into openwrt, put the usb drive with factory firmware linked to this page. Then run:
mtd write factory.trx firmware
Wait?!?! So you're not running your own OpenWRT build on your EA9500 anymore? All that work you did..... Why did you switch back to factory?
Thank you very much
This is very strange, I do not see that problem on my router. Can you try older version of the firmware?
Yes I would love to try the old versions. But can you tell me how did you made the .trx to .bin so I can flash the old versions you build through the stock UI? Thanks
I keep testing the factory and openwrt
Once you are on openwrt, you can flash regular openwrt images.
If you want to create your own .img files from trx:
- Append 256 byte trailer (copy from factory img)
- Change yellow = hex cksum of the .trx file
- Change green = hex start offset of root fs minus 0x1d (for openwrt always 0x03FFFE3)
Thank you, I'll give it a try tonight.
I thought flashing through UI(stock or openwrt) will always write to the other partition so I didn't flash anything through openwrt before. I always switch to the stock rom and flash there So actually it is:
- flash from stock rom, will write to the other partition and will boot to the other partition.
- flash from openwrt will write to current partition and boot to current partition?
So, I've tried 2019-06-19 & 2019-03-15 firmware, I can only get 50mb/s on both firmware, even ssh to the router and try wget in the router is same capped to 50mb/s.
I then tried 2018-11-27 but can't get it working since my ISP requires VLAN tag 10 on the WAN port, by setting the physical address to 'wan.10' seems doesn't work in this firmware
And, I also found that the 5Ghz 1 is broken on my router(surprise this is a brand new router). I created 2 different SSIDs for the 2 5Ghz band, both of them shows strong signal and can be easily connected to by wireless devices, but devices on 5Ghz 1 can not access the internet, when 'ping' a host shows huge delay and timeouts, while the 5Ghz 2 is working fine. It happens on both openwrt and stock firmware, no matter which channel I choose,