Brcm2708 Raspberry pi can not create a custom image with kmod-rtl8821ae Build system, SDK and Image Builder


I've been trying to create a custom image for my first gen pi for a while now, but every attempt, to create a image, fails. I've tried the Build system, Image Builder and the SDK for the brcm2708, all without success.

To create the images I followed the documentation on the webpage.

I tried make clean and then make -j1.
I tried env -i PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin make -j1
I tried the Image Builder with make image PACKAGES="kmod-rtl8821ae"

I uploaded the build process from the SDK to
And the config-build .in file to

I hope those are the informations you can help me with.
Thanks for any advice you can offer.


can noone help me with my problem?