Bonding changing to "balance-rr" when configured for "active-backup"


I have a bonding interface configured for 2 x 1Gbps interfaces for "active-backup" mode using the " luci-proto-bonding" package. For whatever reason it will, occasionally switch over to "balance-rr" and start freaking out my switches.


ip -d -j link show bond-lan | jq gives me:

    "ifindex": 9,
    "ifname": "bond-lan",
    "flags": [
    "mtu": 1500,
    "qdisc": "noqueue",
    "master": "br0",
    "operstate": "UP",
    "linkmode": "DEFAULT",
    "group": "default",
    "txqlen": 1000,
    "link_type": "ether",
    "address": "52:54:00:bb:d2:93",
    "broadcast": "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff",
    "promiscuity": 1,
    "min_mtu": 68,
    "max_mtu": 65535,
    "linkinfo": {
      "info_kind": "bond",
      "info_data": {
        "mode": "balance-rr",
        "miimon": 50,
        "updelay": 0,
        "downdelay": 0,
        "peer_notify_delay": 0,
        "use_carrier": 1,
        "arp_interval": 0,
        "arp_validate": null,
        "arp_all_targets": "any",
        "primary_reselect": "always",
        "fail_over_mac": "active",
        "xmit_hash_policy": "layer2",
        "resend_igmp": 1,
        "num_peer_notif": 1,
        "all_slaves_active": 0,
        "min_links": 0,
        "lp_interval": 1,
        "packets_per_slave": 1,
        "ad_lacp_rate": "slow",
        "ad_select": "stable",
        "tlb_dynamic_lb": 1
      "info_slave_kind": "bridge",
      "info_slave_data": {
        "state": "forwarding",
        "priority": 32,
        "cost": 100,
        "hairpin": false,
        "guard": false,
        "root_block": false,
        "fastleave": false,
        "learning": true,
        "flood": true,
        "id": "0x8001",
        "no": "0x1",
        "designated_port": 32769,
        "designated_cost": 0,
        "bridge_id": "7fff.52:54:00:BB:D2:93",
        "root_id": "7fff.52:54:00:BB:D2:93",
        "hold_timer": 0,
        "message_age_timer": 0,
        "forward_delay_timer": 0,
        "topology_change_ack": 0,
        "config_pending": 0,
        "proxy_arp": false,
        "proxy_arp_wifi": false,
        "multicast_router": 1,
        "mcast_flood": true,
        "mcast_to_unicast": false,
        "neigh_suppress": false,
        "group_fwd_mask": "0",
        "group_fwd_mask_str": "0x0",
        "vlan_tunnel": false,
        "isolated": false
    "inet6_addr_gen_mode": "eui64",
    "num_tx_queues": 16,
    "num_rx_queues": 16,
    "gso_max_size": 65536,
    "gso_max_segs": 65535

In the :point_up: above state, I have the primary unplugged which is why the non-primary is the active link.

Here is my /etc/config/network:

config interface 'loopback'
	option proto 'static'
	option ipaddr ''
	option netmask ''
	option device 'lo'

config globals 'globals'

config interface 'LAN5'
	option proto 'static'
	option device 'eth1'
	option ipaddr ''
	option netmask ''
	option ip6assign '64'
	option ip6hint '5'
	option ip6ifaceid '::1'
	option delegate '0'

config interface 'WAN_direct_link_notag'
	option proto 'dhcp'
	option device 'eth3'

config interface '##'
	option proto 'wireguard'
	option private_key '##'
	option listen_port '4790'
	option defaultroute '0'
	option peerdns '0'
	option delegate '0'
	list addresses ''
	option force_link '1'

config wireguard_##
	option description '## router'
	option endpoint_host '##'
	option endpoint_port '4790'
	option public_key '##'
	option private_key '##'
	option persistent_keepalive '20'
	list allowed_ips ''
	list allowed_ips ''
	option route_allowed_ips '1'

config interface 'nordvpntun'
	option proto 'none'
	option device 'tun0'

config interface 'wan6'
	option proto '6rd'
	option peeraddr '##'
	option ip6prefix '2602::'
	option ip6prefixlen '24'
	list ip6class 'wan6'

config device
	option name 'eth3'

config device
	option name 'eth3'
	option macaddr '00:E0:67:26:38:87'

config device
	option type 'bridge'
	option name 'br0'
	option bridge_empty '1'
	list ports 'bond-lan'

config interface 'br0'
	option proto 'static'
	option device 'br0'
	option ipaddr ''
	option netmask ''
	option ip6ifaceid '::1'
	option delegate '0'

config interface 'lan'
	option proto 'bonding'
	option bonding_policy 'active-backup'
	option primary 'eth4'
	option primary_reselect 'always'
	option fail_over_mac 'active'
	option num_grat_arp__num_unsol_na '1'
	option all_slaves_active '0'
	option link_monitoring 'mii'
	option miimon '50'
	option downdelay '0'
	option updelay '0'
	option use_carrier '1'
	option ipaddr ''
	option netmask ''
	list slaves 'eth0'
	list slaves 'eth4'
	option delegate '0'
	option force_link '1'

I've used the scripted method of /etc/rc.local ... modprobe .... ip link set etc, but wanted a more transferable / upgradable config.
Am I doing something wrong or is there some problem with the luci-proto-bonding package not properly setting the mode?