Bird4 replacement for 19.07?

In 18.06 and previous versions, I was using bird4 for the VoIP routing setup.

However in 19.07 is not available, and instead there are several choices: bird1, bird1c, bird1cl, bird2, bird2c and bird2cl.

How to know which one is the right package?

I tried to dig into the package table, but I think is outdated and only showing the info for 18.xx ?

seems to be referring IPv4 and not to a version of bird itself.

Due to the differences between bird v 1.x and v 2.x (mostly segregation ipv4 and ipv6) there are now packages catering the respective bird versions

Those with c suffix providing the command-line client whilst those with cl suffix providing the lightweight command-line client

It seems there is currently no LuCI applet for bird v 2.x

I'm not using LuCI for configuring the bird, just manually configured the bird4.conf for the VoIP and IPTV setup for Movistar.

I guess then I can use either bird1-ipv4, which uses less space, as it is only IPv4, if I got it correctly, and see if the conf file is the same or I should adapt it ...

That should work, if you used bird v 1.x in 18.06 the conf should work for 19.07. Or adapt to v 2.x and be future proof and escaping the IPv4 and IPv6 segregation from v 1.x, probably with a bit of learning curve for bird v 2.x configuration.

Try to download from: choose your hardware, go into routing and download the package bird4_1.6****.ipk

Then install the package manually, opkg install bird4xxxx.ipk

It should work.

Looks like it is working fine. I used bird1cl-ipv4 and it took automatically my previous bird4.conf


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