I asked in the AdGuard Home thread if I need to worry about running out of storage space when installing with opkg on Linksys E8450 / Belkin RT3200, since the wiki mentions a 100MB free disk/flash space requirement. Didn't yet get a clear answer.
But now I'm wondering: the version of AdguardHome in the repository is 0.107.6-1 (this release is 6 months old). I'm on the latest firmware version 22.03.0 - r19685-512e76967f. In the OpenWrt master branch there's version v0.107.12 (committed by @hnyman, now 1 month behind). Latest release is v0.107.16.
What is the reason this package is not fully up to date? I think installing through opkg would be most convenient (also seems to be require less storage space). But I would also like to be fairly up to date.