Banana Pi M1 - OpenWrt not starting - Kernel crash - Cannot setup simplefb: node not found

So, I followed the instructions to install OpenWrt image on SD card for my Banana Pi M1.

On my 64-bit Ubuntu (version 14.04) I have run following commands:

sudo apt-get install subversion build-essential libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev gawk git ccache gettext libssl-dev xsltproc unzip subversion file

git clone

cd BPI-OpenWRT

./scripts/feeds update -a

./scripts/feeds install -a

And I created firmware for:

Target System: BananaPi
Target Profile: BPI-M1

I got image: openwrt-sunxi-BPI-M1-sdcard-vfat-ext4

I copy it to my SD card with Win32DiskImager.

And when I boot it, I only have this screen for 5 seconds, and then nothing happens:

What colud be the problem?