Good evening, here I leave you this version LuCI openwrt-24.10 branch (24.342.15905~46f8438) / OpenWrt 24.10.0-rc2 (r28161-ea17e958b9)
The image has been saved once downloaded, and there are no problems with the link, it is not corrupt.
Kernel version 6.6.58, updated to OpenWrt 24.10.0-rc2 (r28161-ea17e958b9)
The image is to save on sd, it has been saved on 8gb sd, they are not tested on larger capacity sd. I only have 2 8gb sd and they work perfectly on both.
All bands have been tested, 320mhz -160mhz in all countries that use wifi 7 and the speeds are what we all expect.
I also leave a backup, so that in case you do a factory reset, you can reload the configuration so that the image is as if you had just recorded it again.
backup-OpenWrt-2024-12-08.tar.gz has no password, put the one you use.
All antennas are active as OpenWrt-6g, OpenWrt-5g, OpenWrt-2g, password for all antennas 12345678.
6G band activated at 320mhz, 5g band at 160mhz, 2g band at 20mhz, all work perfectly, default country Singapore, but put the one you want to use.
The speeds are what they should be, there is no problem. This image is not mine, I just adapted it so that we can enjoy WiFi 7, and enjoy the WiFi speeds we all expect.
The Mlo feature is not implemented
I hope you enjoy it.