Asus RT-N18U doesn't actually support WIFI at all unlike the wiki saying

It says it's partially supported, but it's completely unsupported. Works great otherwise. I download torrents with rtorrent on terminal. I tried transmission GUI, but the router just broke. So I reset it back. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Addition 1: By the way I tried to install tranmission again, without touching config at all like in the wiki. Last time I did what wiki said and things broke. This time I only changed where it downloads stuff. It supposedly works, but the GUI breaks every few minutes. I even tried transmission remote thing, same story.

Also a side note, very easy to transition to DD WRT and back from DD WRT to OpenWRT again. Just flash it. But, I couldn't make DD WRT work because of VLAN ID 35 thing.

A link to this warning appears on your device's Wiki page.

  • If you say it doesn't work, that sounds like a config known not to work
  • To be clear, all modern WiFi (e.g. N/AC/AX) is unsupported
  • Is this related to WiFi (e.g. wireless crashing while running Transmission) - or are you merely noting another issue?
  • For an 8+ year old device with a 600 MHz processor in 2023, I'm not surprised a CLI app worked and a web GUI app didn't - I surmise the router crashed, correct?
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It has 800MHz CPU actually, not 600. It's much better than the TP-LINK Archer C50 and kind, they are worse actually. Most of them are 128 MB flash only. And good router brands don't ship to my country.

By the way I tried to install tranmission again, without touching config like in the wiki. Last time I did what wiki said and things broke. This time I only changed where it downloads. It supposedly works, but GUI breaks every few minutes. I even tried transmission remote thing, same story.
Anyway rtorrent CLI is more than enough for me, it's flawless. It works stable.
Also a side note, very easy to transition to DD WRT and back from DD WRT to OpenWRT again. Just flash it. But, I couldn't make DD WRT work because of VLAN ID 35 thing.

If it happens again, post/screenshot any error messages.

It says connection refused after a little while using transmission-gui desktop app. From the browser, it says this:
Connection Failed

Could not connect to the server. You may need to reload the page to reconnect.

When I click on details, it says server not responding? Also, it's much slower download speed compared to rtorrent CLI. I must add I use USB2.0 port of it, also external box that uses modem's own power, not external power. By the way USB3.0 doesn't work for me. I tried USB3.0 flash disk too, still not working. Not sure but maybe hardware problem?

Edit: I tried one more time, this time it has not stopped yet. Btw, do you think browser version or desktop transgui is better?