ASUS RT-AX53U / RT-AX1800U overclock


I found a kernel 5.4 patch to overclock this CPU, but the current OpenWRT 23.05 has kernel 5.15, would the patch still apply and OC the CPU?

Also, another question, if you compile the 23.05 source, will it have LuCi?

How would we know ?
Trial and error.

If you add it to the build recipe, it will.

The patch needs reworking in order for it to work.

Oh damn, sadly I don't have enough knowledge to change it for 5.15 kernel, all I would want is OC :smiley:

You have firewall software and hardware offload and can do gigabit up gigabit down NAT at ~50% CPU, leaving some space for simplest of SQM types.
Overclocking CPU is of little value, most network processing is copying around memory, and that is likely to flop much more spectaculary than overheating CPU shutting off.

I have 1 GBPS from my provider and with the current cheapo router (Mercusys MR30G) i touch aprox 980 up down, so that wouldn't be a problem in my case, but I just want to offload it as much as possible and maybe to use Wireguard or ProtonVPN which I know that can tank the CPU alot. Thats why overclocking would be helpful, especially since overheating won't be an issue since it will be kept in a cold space.

don't expect any miracles - A Wireguard comparison DB, around 100Mbps without OC, it'll seriously cap your gigabit line, if all traffic's supposed run through the tunnel.

Maybe this helps (unless that is the patch you are referring to...)

Yea I saw, that's why I said that every little performance would help, and in this case OC would be the best solution

@Bartvz yup, talking about that one, its for 5.4, and idk if it would work on 5.15 (current release)

if we assume WG performance is linear, and you manage to OC the SoC by 25%, you'll go from 100 to 125Mbps, still ~1/8 of your total bandwidth.

And it's still free performance that can be earned for free and without "any" hussle :smiley:

Fanless industrial PC or any filogic platform will jump around it in circles without lighting up fires.
Thermal production is frequency squared while dissipation is temperature difference. Say you have 20C in the room and fully loaded 100MHz CPU at 60C that would burn at 80C
100Mhz * sqrt((80-20)/(60-20)) = 122Mhz to certainly burn it. It is not only clock, you may need to rise voltage to keep semiconductor states flipping nearing the logical end even faster.

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As I mentioned, I would keep this router in the basement where it's cold (but not that that cold to ruin electronics, I kept the old ones every time), so this is why I said that the heat won't be that much of an issue :smiley: But I understood your arguments and they are indeed valid.

Immortalwrt has some clocking code for mt7621

Just checked, but nothing related to mt overclock. I'll try to message him, thanks for the infos!