ASUS Rt-AC51U install. Recovery tool?

Since my new tplink is having issues I have an Asus router also. The page info keeps talking about the Asus Recovery Tool but not where to download it and so many different things show up in search and nothing on product page.

Does this help?

Thanks but no. Theres nothing under driver and utilities for this model. Like page was deleted.

If found the tool at the UK website of Asus:

("Select OS", then "See all downloads")


The Asus website seems to have some problems: Sometimes no link to Support is shown, sometimes no Tab "Driver & Tools" is shown. Very confusing!

Working, Driver & Tools is shown:

Not working
Once you click on Support on the page linked above, you will get this, with no "Driver & Tools" shown

Please complain at Asus support or in Asus forums about this strange website behaviour.