I've got three of these and in every case I've had to take them apart and connect the console. It's not as bad as you might think, but there are a couple things to deal with. I've seen two kinds of console connections. One is like the picture on this page.
Since you probably don't have a connector for that, it's possible to use regular jumper wires by taking one of the connectors out of its plastic insulator. The other type doesn't have a connector, just some holes in the board for one. I just solder some jumpers to the holes. In either case you're going to have to remove those two resistors from the other side of the board. This is much easier than you might think. I just separate the plastic from the board a little bit. That will leave about a quarter of an inch space. Then I use an X-acto knife to cut the resistors off. You'll find that it is quite easy. You might have to knock the resistors out of the router afterward, though. This is the hardest part about dealing with these things. But I'm sure you'll be happy with it when you're done.