Are there plans for a new dark theme for OpenWrt?

Hi :slight_smile:
Does anyone know something on the question asked in the topic .. maybe there are plans ... Probably many users would be happy if it appeared.

OpenWrt is refreshing in terms of code, but will anything outside of the new cool logo change?

Personally, I like the theme / layout with Padavana, but how many people have so many tastes.




Maintaining themes is burdensome, and the authors of new themes tend to disappear and themes are left unmaintained.

Principally the old "openwrt", current default "bootstrap" and new "openwrt-2020" are supported as official themes.

Additional themes in repo:

  • "material" is in the repo, but pretty much unmaintained. In danger to fall into incompatiblity.
  • "rosy" was marked BROKEN about one year after taking it into the repo, because the author did not maintain it.

Themes include some of the real functionality, and the layout CSS files need modifications after the underlying LuCI changes, so the authors would need to take care of the required changes.

So, introducing new themes to the official repo is unlikely.


I found in my installation those packages:



14.0 KB

Bootstrap <ins>Theme</ins> (default)




55.3 KB

Material <ins>Theme</ins>




11.0 KB

LuCI <ins>theme</ins>


which one is the oenwrt-2020?

None of those.
Luci-theme-openwrt-2020 is only available in master snapshots, not in the old 19.07.x releases.

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Since it was bumped, and I didn't see it actually suggested, @IceG, check out the Community Builds and packages section of the forum (

You can find community generated themes (like A new Luci theme for LEDE/OpenWRT for example) you can play with.

OpenWrt-2020;a=tree;f=themes/luci-theme-openwrt-2020;hb=52486e5862926294fd6ea1b6db48bf1ae515d7a6 is currently being developed.

Maybe the CSS @media query feature could be considered for the light background areas of said theme.


are there screenshots of OpenWrt-2020?


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looks great, more modern. Thanks to all devs

Brief design study how OpenWrt-2020 theme could look like on a darked themed OS with

CSS code manipulated

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  #maincontent { background: var(--maincontent-dark-color); color: var(--secondary-bright-color); }
  .cbi-input-text { background: var(--secondary-dark-color) }
  .cbi-page-actions { border-top-color: var(--main-bright-color) !important }
  .cbi-tabmenu { color: inherit !important}
  .cbi-tab > a { border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-bright-color) !important }
  textarea, .cbi-progressbar { box-shadow: inset 0 0 2px 1px var(--main-bright-color) !important }
  .cbi-progressbar > div { background: var(--main-bright-color) !important }
  .td { border-top: 1px solid var(--main-bright-color) !important }
  .ifacebox, .ifacebadge, .zonebadge { 
    background: var(--maincontent-dark-color) !important;
    color: var(--secondary-bright-color) !important;
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 2px 1px var(--main-bright-color) !important;
  input[type=text], input[type=password] { box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px var(--main-bright-color) !important }
  input[type="text"]:focus, input[type="password"]:focus,select:focus { border-bottom-color: var(--warning-color) !important }


Thanks for the answers, but I'm so used to the bootstrap theme that it's hard to convince myself to others, so I guess I'll try to change colors myself. Maybe something will come out of it.

Would be great!

Hi, How can I add this css manipulation to this theme?
thank U

So that means the real path forward is to modify the bootstrap theme to use prefers-color-scheme media selector to support switching to a dark theme.

In the mean time, I've created a UserCSS here:

Would you be open to a PR?