Apply for adding AlibabaCloud mirror

According to this page, I give penwrt- E-mail, but I can't send it. So please look at our information and help add our mirrors to the list. Thank you.

  1. Country: CN
  2. Site Name: Alibaba Cloud
  3. Mirror Name:
  4. Categories: http(, https (
  5. Bandwidth: 10000
  6. Internet2: No
  7. Email:

While the releases look fine, I can't access snapshots on this mirror, the server redirects to an empty URL when trying to. Does this mirror only do releases?

What about this link:

Do you have any questions now? If yes, please tell me what needs to be done. If not, can you add it to the list?

Why does this link not work:
Because I can see the link to snapshot downloads on the welcome page, but the content seems to be missing. This is not a problem (we also got other mirrors which only mirror releases or even only some releases), however, it would be good if you remove the dead link to the snapshot downloads:

See for an example of another mirror which only provides release downloads.

It has been modified. Please take a look:

Thank you! I've added the mirror the downloads page

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