AP147-010 QCA9531 WMAC TX Power Issue


I am running LEDE Trunk on the AP147-010, and noticed that this specific reference board is having a wireless power problem.

Ath9k appears to be running properly with a AP + STA modes:

root@LEDE:/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k# iwconfig
lo        no wireless extensions.

br0       no wireless extensions.

teql0     no wireless extensions.

ath12     IEEE 802.11  Mode:Master  Tx-Power=26 dBm   
          RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
          Power Management:off
eth1      no wireless extensions.

imq1      no wireless extensions.

ath11     IEEE 802.11  ESSID:"space test"  
          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.462 GHz  Access Point: 02:D1:54:33:B5:EA   
          Bit Rate=1 Mb/s   Tx-Power=26 dBm   
          RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
          Encryption key:off
          Power Management:off
          Link Quality=41/70  Signal level=-71 dBm  
          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
          Tx excessive retries:42  Invalid misc:17076   Missed beacon:0

However the signal is much lower than it should be. My question is there some LNA / PA bit that needs to be toggled on the QCA9531 SoC to enable the higher power?

I saw in Ath9k that "AR9300_PWR_TABLE_OFFSET" is set to 0. I thought maybe there needed to be a PWR_TABLE_OFFSET for this chip, but I bet i'm wrong. I tried hard-coding to a higher value, and saw no difference in signal.

I know my regulatory is set correctly in the ART partition ( USA ), so it's not a user-space limitation.

I feel like there is just a bit that I need to toggle that will correct the TX/RX issue.

I read another thread with a board that had the same processor CPE210v2. I saw that the reference clock wasn't being set properly so I applied those patches and insured that the RefClk was 25Mhz

Here is some ath9k data:

/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k# cat base_eeprom 
      EEPROM Version :          2
             TX Mask :          3
             RX Mask :          3
          Allow 5GHz :          0
          Allow 2GHz :          1
   Disable 2GHz HT20 :          0
   Disable 2GHz HT40 :          0
   Disable 5Ghz HT20 :          0
   Disable 5Ghz HT40 :          0
          Big Endian :          0
           RF Silent :          0
           BT option :          0
          Device Cap :          0
         Device Type :          4
  Power Table Offset :          0
        Tuning Caps1 :         24
        Tuning Caps2 :          0
 Enable Tx Temp Comp :          1
 Enable Tx Volt Comp :          0
   Enable fast clock :          1
     Enable doubling :          1
  Internal regulator :          0
        Enable Paprd :          0
     Driver Strength :          0
          Quick Drop :          0
   Chain mask Reduce :          0
   Write enable Gpio :          3
   WLAN Disable Gpio :          0
       WLAN LED Gpio :          8
 Rx Band Select Gpio :        255
             Tx Gain :          1
             Rx Gain :          1
              SW Reg :          0


/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k# cat modal_eeprom 
   2GHz modal Header :
 Chain0 Ant. Control :        336
 Chain1 Ant. Control :        336
 Chain2 Ant. Control :        336
 Ant. Common Control :    1048848
Ant. Common Control2 :     139810
           Ant. Gain :          0
       Switch Settle :         44
    Chain0 xatten1DB :          0
    Chain1 xatten1DB :          0
    Chain2 xatten1DB :          0
Chain0 xatten1Margin :          0
Chain1 xatten1Margin :          0
Chain2 xatten1Margin :          0
          Temp Slope :         20
          Volt Slope :          0
      spur Channels0 :        100
      spur Channels1 :        125
      spur Channels2 :        164
      spur Channels3 :        175
      spur Channels4 :          0
 Chain0 NF Threshold :         -1
 Chain1 NF Threshold :          0
 Chain2 NF Threshold :          0
          Quick Drop :          0
       txEndToXpaOff :          0
      xPA Bias Level :          0
  txFrameToDataStart :         14
       txFrameToPaOn :         14
      txFrameToXpaOn :         14
              txClip :          3
    ADC Desired size :        -30
Calibration data
Chain 0
Freq     ref    volt    temp    nf_cal  nf_pow  rx_temp
2412    -8      0       120     0       0       0
2437    -6      0       125     0       0       0
2462    -6      0       126     0       0       0
Chain 1
Freq     ref    volt    temp    nf_cal  nf_pow  rx_temp
2412    -9      0       121     0       0       0
2437    -6      0       127     0       0       0
2462    -6      0       125     0       0       0


/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k# cat ani
            ANI: ENABLED
      ANI RESET: 233
     OFDM LEVEL: 0
      CCK LEVEL: 4
        SPUR UP: 1
      SPUR DOWN: 1
     MRC-CCK ON: 5
    MRC-CCK OFF: 7
    FIR-STEP UP: 11
    OFDM ERRORS: 55998
     CCK ERRORS: 8227


/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k# cat xmit
                            BE         BK        VI        VO

MPDUs Queued:                0          0         0        89
MPDUs Completed:             0          0         0        89
MPDUs XRetried:              0          0         0         0
Aggregates:                  0          0         0         0
AMPDUs Queued HW:            0          0         0         0
AMPDUs Completed:            0          0         0         0
AMPDUs Retried:              0          0         0         0
AMPDUs XRetried:             0          0         0         0
TXERR Filtered:              0          0         0         0
FIFO Underrun:               0          0         0         0
TXOP Exceeded:               0          0         0         0
TXTIMER Expiry:              0          0         0         0
DESC CFG Error:              0          0         0         0
DATA Underrun:               0          0         0         0
DELIM Underrun:              0          0         0         0
TX-Pkts-All:                 0          0         0        89
TX-Bytes-All:                0          0         0      6450
HW-put-tx-buf:               0          0         0        89
HW-tx-start:                 0          0         0         0
HW-tx-proc-desc:             0          0         0        89
TX-Failed:                   0          0         0         0


/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k# cat reset
    Baseband Hang:  0
Baseband Watchdog:  0
   Fatal HW Error:  0
      TX HW error:  0
 Transmit timeout:  0
     TX Path Hang:  0
      PLL RX Hang:  0
         MAC Hang:  0
     Stuck Beacon:  0
        MCI Reset:  0
Calibration error:  0
Tx DMA stop error:  0
Rx DMA stop error:  0

Other than the output power and receive ( power offset ? ) not working properly, ath9k seems to function correctly.

Any help is much appreciated!

I wonder if there are new ath9k initvals for this SoC?

There is no XPA and low power,

I saw a qca953x_1p1_no_xpa_low_power initval structure for an older revision. I wonder if there is one for the 2p0 or version 2? I could be way off here, just trying to understand why the TX Power is so low.

Ath9k is definitely seeing ath79_soc_revision as 2, so that old patch where they passed 2 for "QCA9533_V2" is definitely working.
