Hope this is in the correct category, if not I would appreciate it if the admin(s) would move it.
I recently bought a device from a manufacturer called "Waveshare" and the model being "WS-431E".
Now I assume since a part of the URL to login to the web interface is "/cgi-bin/luci/" that it is running OpenWRT. I don't have SSH access to the device (checking with the manufacturer right now) but I'm attaching screenshots and according to me it looks like it.
Which version of OpenWRT? I am unsure, currently in the process of finding that out.
I'll start with general information about the setup (sorry, can't embed pictures since there is a limit to 1 embedded picture per post for a new user):
"Network" > "WAN":
My current "WAN_WIRED" config is as follows:
Protocol: Static address
IPv4 address: <from ISP>
IPv4 netmask: <from ISP>
IPv4 gateway: <from ISP>
IPv4 broadcast: <blank> (I've calculated this using the "IPv4 address" and "IPv4 netmask" so I have an address but unsure if I should enter it. I mean....sure for broadcast traffic but I only understand broadcast in terms of LAN and really don't understand it in terms of WAN)
Use custom DNS servers: (Google) (Cloudflare)
"Network" > "Diagnostics" and trying to ping "" from the router itself returns 5/5 packets received.
Same but doing a "nslookup" against "www.google.com" returns:
Address 1: localhost
nslookup: can't resolve 'www.google.com': Name or service not known
Checking "LAN":
My current "LAN" config is as follows:
Common Configuration
General setup
Protocol: Static address
IPv4 address:
IPv4 netmask:
IPv4 gateway: <blank> (here I am guessing the GW should be "IPv4 address: <from ISP>" as configured under "WAN"?)
IPv4 broadcast: <blank> (here I am guessing the broadcast should be ""?)
Use custom DNS servers:
DHCP Server
General Setup
Ignore interface: Unchecked (Disable DHCP for this interface)
Start address: 100
Limit: 150
Leasetime: 12h
"Firewall" > "General settings":
"Firewall" > "Port Forwards":
"Firewall" > "Traffic Rules":
Questions (other the comments above):
My "WAN_WIRED (eth0)" is showing red?
When I tried this router with a prepaid mobile broadband ("4G") SIM the WAN-interface "WAN_4G" lit up green without any further configuration. As of now I am only using a wired ethernet connection and the SIM-card is removed and that is why "WAN_4G" is red and "blank". -
I am able to reach the web interface of the router which runs on 8080 by accessing the external ip of the router on port 80 but I am not able to reach port 80 on LAN device when accessing the external IP of the router on port 81. Specifying :81 returns "ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT" wheras :80 (or simply using "http") returns the login page to the router.
Appreciate your time regardless for reading this
Best Regards / TheSwede86